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. Also referred to as Bahamian dialect or Bahamianese The Bahamas ( ( )), known officially as the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, is a country within the. The consists of more than 700, and in the, and is located north of and ( and the ), northwest of the, southeast of the state of, and east of the. The capital is on the island of. The designation of 'the Bahamas' can refer either to the country or to the larger island chain that it shares with the. The describes the Bahamas territory as encompassing 470,000 km 2 (180,000 sq mi) of ocean space. The Bahamas is the site of 's first landfall in the in 1492.

At that time, the islands were inhabited by the, a branch of the -speaking people. Although the Spanish never colonised The Bahamas, they shipped the native Lucayans to slavery in Hispaniola. The islands were mostly deserted from 1513 until 1648, when colonists from settled on the island of. The Bahamas became a in 1718, when the British clamped down on. After the, the Crown resettled thousands of in the Bahamas; they brought their slaves with them and established plantations on land grants. Africans constituted the majority of the population from this period. The slave trade was abolished by the British in 1807; slavery in the Bahamas was abolished in 1834.

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Subsequently, the Bahamas became a haven for freed African slaves; the resettled Africans there liberated from illegal slave ships, and escaped here from Florida, and the government freed slaves carried on US domestic ships that had reached the Bahamas due to weather. Today, make up nearly 90% of the population. The Bahamas became an independent in 1973, retaining the British monarch, then and currently, as its head of state. In terms of per capita, The Bahamas is one of the richest countries in the (following the United States and Canada), with an economy based on tourism and finance. Contents. Etymology The name Bahamas is most likely derived from either the ba ha ma ('big upper middle land'), which was a term for the region used by the indigenous Native Americans, or possibly from the baja mar ('shallow water or sea' or ') reflecting the shallow waters of the area. Alternatively, it may originate from, a local name of unclear meaning.

A peculiarity of the name is that the word The is a formal part of the abbreviated name and is, therefore, capitalised. So in contrast to 'the Congo' and 'the United Kingdom', it is proper to write 'The Bahamas'. A depiction of Columbus's first landing, claiming possession of the for Spain in; the and the, on Watling Island, an island of The Bahamas that the natives called and that he named San Salvador, on 12 October 1492. People moved into the uninhabited southern Bahamas from and around the 11th century, having migrated there from South America.

They came to be known as the. An estimated 30,000 Lucayan inhabited the Bahamas at the time of 's arrival in 1492. Columbus's first landfall in the New World was on an island he named San Salvador (known to the Lucayan as ). Some researchers believe this site to be present-day (formerly known as Watling's Island), situated in the southeastern Bahamas. An alternative theory holds that Columbus landed to the southeast on, according to calculations made in 1986 by writer and editor, based on Columbus's log.

Evidence in support of this remains inconclusive. On the landfall island, Columbus made first contact with the Lucayan and exchanged goods with them. The Spanish forced much of the Lucayan population to Hispaniola for use as forced labour. The slaves suffered from harsh conditions and most died from contracting to which they had no; half of the Taino died from alone.

The population of the Bahamas was severely diminished. In 1648, the, led by, migrated from Bermuda. These English Puritans established the first permanent European settlement on an island which they named —the name derives from the Greek word for freedom. They later settled, naming it Sayle's Island after one of their leaders. To survive, the settlers. In 1670, granted the islands to the of the Carolinas in North America.

They rented the islands from the king with rights of trading, tax, appointing, and administering the country. In 1684 Spanish Juan de Alcon, Charles Town (later renamed ).

In 1703, a joint Franco-Spanish expedition the Bahamian capital during the. 18th–19th centuries. The lighthouse in. During proprietary rule, the Bahamas became a haven for, including the infamous ( circa 1680–1718). To put an end to the ' and restore orderly government, Great Britain made the Bahamas a in 1718 under the royal governorship of.

After a difficult struggle, he succeeded in suppressing piracy. In 1720, Rogers led local to drive off a.

During the US War of Independence in the late 18th century, the islands became a target for US naval forces under the command of Commodore. Occupied the capital of Nassau for a. In 1782, following the British defeat at, a Spanish fleet appeared off the coast of Nassau. Spain returned possession of the Bahamas to Great Britain the following year, under the terms of the. Before the news was received, however, the by a small British force led. After US independence, the British resettled some 7,300 with their slaves in the Bahamas, including two thousand from New York and at least 1,033 whites, 2,214 blacks and a few from. Most of the refugees resettled from New York had fled from other colonies, including, which the Spanish captured during the war.

The government granted land to the planters to help compensate for losses on the continent. These Loyalists, who included Deveaux, established plantations on several islands and became a political force in the capital. European Americans were outnumbered by the African-American slaves they brought with them, and ethnic Europeans remained a minority in the territory. In 1807, the British abolished the, followed by the United States the next year. During the following decades, the intercepted the trade; they resettled in the Bahamas thousands of Africans liberated from slave ships.

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In the 1820s during the period of the in Florida, hundreds of North American slaves and African Seminoles escaped from to the Bahamas. They settled mostly on northwest, where they developed the village of Red Bays. From eyewitness accounts, 300 escaped in a mass flight in 1823, aided by Bahamians in 27, with others using canoes for the journey. This was commemorated in 2004 by a large sign at.

Some of their descendants in Red Bays continue African Seminole traditions in basket making and grave marking. The United States', which administers the National Network to Freedom, is working with the African Bahamian Museum and Research Center (ABAC) in Nassau on development to identify Red Bays as a site related to North American slaves' search for freedom. The museum has researched and documented the African Seminoles' escape from southern Florida. It plans to develop interpretive programs at historical sites in Red Bay associated with the period of their settlement in the Bahamas.

In 1818, the Home Office in London had ruled that 'any slave brought to the Bahamas from outside the would be manumitted.' This led to a total of nearly 300 slaves owned by US nationals being freed from 1830 to 1835. The American slave ships Comet and Encomium used in the United States domestic, were wrecked off Abaco Island in December 1830 and February 1834, respectively. When wreckers took the masters, passengers and slaves into Nassau, customs officers seized the slaves and British colonial officials freed them, over the protests of the Americans. There were 165 slaves on the Comet and 48 on the Encomium. The United Kingdom finally paid an indemnity to the United States in those two cases in 1855, under the Treaty of Claims of 1853, which settled several compensation cases between the two countries.

Slavery was on 1 August 1834. After that British colonial officials freed 78 North American slaves from the, which went into Bermuda in 1835; and 38 from the Hermosa, which wrecked off Abaco Island in 1840. The most notable case was that of the Creole in 1841: as a result of a on board, the leaders ordered the US brig to Nassau. It was carrying 135 slaves from Virginia destined for sale in.

The Bahamian officials freed the 128 slaves who chose to stay in the islands. The has been described as the 'most successful slave revolt in U.S. These incidents, in which a total of 447 slaves belonging to US nationals were freed from 1830 to 1842, increased tension between the United States and the.

They had been co-operating in patrols to suppress the international slave trade. However, worried about the stability of its large domestic slave trade and its value, the United States argued that the United Kingdom should not treat its domestic ships that came to its colonial ports under duress, as part of the international trade. The United States worried that the success of the Creole slaves in gaining freedom would encourage more slave revolts on merchant ships. 20th century. The and from 1940 to 1945 In August 1940, the was appointed. He arrived in the colony with his wife, the. Although disheartened at the condition of Government House, they 'tried to make the best of a bad situation'.

He did not enjoy the position, and referred to the islands as 'a third-class British colony'. He opened the small local parliament on 29 October 1940. The couple visited the 'Out Islands' that November, on 's yacht, which caused controversy; the strenuously objected because they had been advised (mistakenly) by United States intelligence that Wenner-Gren was a close friend of the commander of Nazi Germany. The Duke was praised at the time for his efforts to combat poverty on the islands. A 1991 biography by Philip Ziegler, however, described him as contemptuous of the Bahamians and other non-European peoples of the Empire. He was praised for his resolution of civil unrest over low wages in in June 1942, when there was a 'full-scale riot'. Ziegler said that the Duke blamed the trouble on 'mischief makers – ' and 'men of Central European descent, who had secured jobs as a pretext for obtaining a deferment of draft'.

The Duke resigned from the post on 16 March 1945. Post-Second World War. Sign at the entrance of the Sir Roland Symonette Park in district commemorating Sir, the Bahamas' first Modern political development began after the. The first political parties were formed in the 1950s. The British Parliament authorised the islands as internally self-governing in 1964, with, of the, as the first Premier. A new constitution granting the Bahamas internal autonomy went into effect on 7 January 1964. In 1967, of the, became the first native born Premier of the majority native Bahamian colony; in 1968 the title of the position was changed to.

In 1968, Pindling announced that the Bahamas would seek full independence. A new constitution giving the Bahamas increased control over its own affairs was adopted in 1968.

The voted to give the Bahamas its independence on 22 June 1973. Delivered the official documents to, officially declaring the Bahamas a fully independent nation on 10 July 1973. It joined the on the same day. Was appointed the first (the official representative of ) shortly after independence. The Bahamas joined the and the on 22 August 1973, and it joined the on 18 September 1973. Based on the twin pillars of tourism and, the Bahamian economy has prospered since the 1950s.

Significant challenges in areas such as education, health care, housing, international and illegal immigration from Haiti continue to be issues. The (UB) is the national higher education/tertiary system. Offering baccalaureate, masters and associate degrees, UB has three campuses, and teaching and research centres throughout the Bahamas. The University of The Bahamas was chartered on 10 November 2016. Geography.

The Bahamas from space. Satellite image, 2009 The country lies between latitudes and, and longitudes. In 1864, the reported that there were 29 islands, 661 cays, and 2,387 rocks in the colony.

The closest island to the United States is, which is also known as the gateway to the Bahamas. The island of is to the east of. The southeasternmost island is. The largest island is. Other inhabited islands include, and., capital city of the Bahamas, lies on the island of. All the islands are low and flat, with ridges that usually rise no more than 15 to 20 m (49 to 66 ft).

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The highest point in the country is (formerly Como Hill) on Cat Island. It has an elevation of 63 metres (207 ft). See also: The climate of the Bahamas is or Aw according to. The low latitude, warm tropical, and low give the Bahamas a warm and winterless climate.

As such, there has never been a frost or freeze reported in the Bahamas, although every few decades low temperatures can fall below 10 °C (50 °F) for a few hours when a severe cold outbreak comes off the North American mainland. There is only an 7 °C difference between the warmest month and coolest month in most of the Bahama islands. As with most tropical climates, seasonal rainfall follows the sun, and summer is the wettest season. The Bahamas are often sunny and dry for long periods of time, and average more than 3,000 hours or 340 days of sunlight annually. Tropical storms and hurricanes can on occasion impact the Bahamas. In 1992, passed over the northern portions of the islands, and passed near the eastern portions of the islands in 1999. The, Bahamas.

The Bahamas is part of the, which continues into the Turks and Caicos Islands, the, the, and the. The Bahamas Platform, which includes the Bahamas, Southern Florida, Northern Cuba, the Turks and Caicos, and the, formed about 150, not long after the formation of the. The 6.4 km thick, which predominately make up The Bahamas, date back to the.

These limestones would have been deposited in shallow seas, assumed to be a stretched and thinned portion of the. Sediments were forming at about the same rate as the crust below was sinking due to the added weight. Thus, the entire area consisted of a large marine plain with some islands. Then, at about 80 Ma, the area became flooded by the.

This resulted in the drowning of the Blake Plateau, the separation of The Bahamas from Cuba and Florida, the separation of the southeastern Bahamas into separate banks, the creation of the, plus the. Sedimentation from the 'carbonate factory' of each bank, or, continues today at the rate of about 2 cm per. Form the 'retaining walls' of these atolls, within which and form. Coral growth was greater through the, until the start of the, and hence those deposits are more abundant below a depth of 36 m. In fact, an ancient extinct reef exists half a km seaward of the present one, 30 m below sea level. Oolites form when oceanic water penetrate the shallow banks, increasing the temperature about 3 °C and the salinity by 0.5 per cent.

Are referred to as grapestone. Additionally, giant are found off the.: 22,29–30 resulted in a drop in sea level, causing wind blown oolite to form with distinct. Overlapping dunes form oolitic ridges, which become rapidly through the action of rainwater, called. Most islands have ridges ranging from 30 to 45 m, though Cat Island has a ridge 60 m in height. The land between ridges is conducive to the formation of lakes and swamps.: 41–59,61–64 of the limestone results in a 'Bahamian ' topography. This includes, such as, such as the ('pavements of Atlantis'), caves due to the lack of rivers,.

Several blue holes are aligned along the South Andros line. And are common, but the more impressive drainage patterns are formed by troughs and canyons such as with the evidence of and deposition.: 33–40,65,72–84,86 The of the islands consists of the Owl's Hole, overlain by the Grotto Beach Formation, and then the Rice Bay Formation.

However, these units are not necessarily stacked on top of each other but can be located laterally. The oldest formation, Owl's Hole, is capped by a, as is the Grotto Beach, unless.

The Grotto Beach Formation is the most widespread. Government and politics. The, located in The Bahamas is a headed by in her role as Queen of the Bahamas. Political and legal traditions closely follow those of the United Kingdom and the. The Bahamas is a member of the as a, retaining the Queen as (represented by a ). Is vested In a, which consists of a 38-member (the ), with members elected from, and a 16-member, with members appointed by the Governor-General, including nine on the advice of the Prime Minister, four on the advice of the, and three on the advice of the Prime Minister after consultation with the Leader of the Opposition.

The House of Assembly carries out all major legislative functions. As under the Westminster system, the Prime Minister may dissolve Parliament and call a general election at any time within a five-year term. The is the and is the leader of the party with the most seats in the House of Assembly.


Is exercised by the Cabinet, selected by the Prime Minister and drawn from his supporters in the House of Assembly. The current Governor-General is, and the current is.

Constitutional safeguards include,. The is independent of the executive and the legislature. Jurisprudence is based on. Political culture The Bahamas has a dominated by the and the.

A handful of splinter parties have been unable to win election to parliament. These parties have included the, the Coalition for Democratic Reform, Bahamian Nationalist Party and the. Foreign relations. The Bahamanian military is the Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF), the navy of the Bahamas which includes a land unit called Commando Squadron (Regiment) and an Air Wing (Air Force). Under the Defence Act, the RBDF has been mandated, in the name of the, to defend the Bahamas, protect its territorial integrity, patrol its waters, provide assistance and relief in times of disaster, maintain order in conjunction with the law enforcement agencies of the Bahamas, and carry out any such duties as determined by the National Security Council. The Defence Force is also a member of the Caribbean Community 's Regional Security Task Force.

The RBDF came into existence on 31 March 1980. Their duties include defending the Bahamas, stopping, illegal immigration and poaching, and providing assistance to mariners. The Defence Force has a fleet of 26 coastal and inshore patrol craft along with 3 aircraft and over 1,100 personnel including 65 officers and 74 women. Districts of the Bahamas The districts of the Bahamas provide a system of local government everywhere except (which holds 70% of the national population), whose affairs are handled directly by the central government. In 1996, the Bahamian Parliament passed the 'Local Government Act' to facilitate the establishment of Family Island Administrators, Local Government Districts, Local District Councillors and Local Town Committees for the various island communities.

The overall goal of this act is to allow the various elected leaders to govern and oversee the affairs of their respective districts without the interference of Central Government. In total, there are 32 districts, with elections being held every five years. There are 110 Councillors and 281 Town Committee members are elected to represent the various districts. Each Councillor or Town Committee member is responsible for the proper use of public funds for the maintenance and development of their constituency. The Bahamas uses traffic rules throughout the Commonwealth. The districts other than New Providence are.

Bahamian Coat of Arms The coat of arms of the Bahamas contains a shield with the national symbols as its focal point. The shield is supported by a and a, which are the national animals of the Bahamas. The flamingo is located on the land, and the marlin on the sea, indicating the geography of the islands. On top of the shield is a conch shell, which represents the varied marine life of the island chain.

The conch shell rests on a helmet. Below this is the actual shield, the main symbol of which is a ship representing the of Christopher Columbus, shown sailing beneath the sun. Along the bottom, below the shield appears a banner upon which is the national motto: 'Forward, Upward, Onward Together.' National flower The was chosen as the national flower of the Bahamas because it is native to the Bahama islands, and it blooms throughout the year.

Selection of the yellow elder over many other flowers was made through the combined popular vote of members of all four of New Providence's garden clubs of the 1970s—the Nassau Garden Club, the Carver Garden Club, the International Garden Club and the Garden Club. They reasoned that other flowers grown there—such as the, and —had already been chosen as the national flowers of other countries. The yellow elder, on the other hand, was unclaimed by other countries (although it is now also the national flower of the ) and also the yellow elder is native to the family islands. The in Nassau The Bahamas relies on to generate most of its economic activity. Tourism as an industry not only accounts for over 60% of the Bahamian GDP, but provides jobs for more than half the country's workforce. The Bahamas attracted 5.8 million visitors in 2012, more than 70% of whom were cruise visitors.

Financial services After tourism, the next most important economic sector is banking and, accounting for some 15% of GDP. The government has adopted incentives to encourage foreign financial business, and further banking and finance reforms are in progress. The government plans to merge the regulatory functions of key financial institutions, including the (CBB) and the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Central Bank administers restrictions and and money market instruments. The consists of 19 listed public companies.

Reflecting the relative soundness of the banking system (mostly populated by Canadian banks), the impact of the global financial crisis on the financial sector has been limited. Main article: The Bahamas has an estimated population of 391,232, of which 25.9% are under 14, 67.2% 15 to 64 and 6.9% over 65. It has a population growth rate of 0.925% (2010), with a birth rate of 17.81/1,000 population, death rate of 9.35/1,000, and net migration rate of −2.13 migrant(s)/1,000 population. The is 23.21 deaths/1,000 live births. Residents have a life expectancy at birth of 69.87 years: 73.49 years for females, 66.32 years for males. The total fertility rate is 2.0 children born/woman (2010). The most populous islands are New Providence, where Nassau, the capital and largest city, is located; and Grand Bahama, home to the second largest city of.

Racial and ethnic groups According to the 99% response rate obtained from the race question on the 2010 Census questionnaire, 90.6% of the population identified themselves as being Black, 4.7% White and 2.1% of a mixed race (Black and White). Three centuries prior, in 1722 when the first official census of the Bahamas was taken, 74% of the population was White and 26% Black. Children at a local school Since the colonial era of plantations, Africans or Afro-Bahamians have been the largest ethnic group in the Bahamas, whose primary ancestry was based in. The first Africans to arrive to the Bahamas were freed slaves from; they arrived with the looking for new lives. The community in the Bahamas is also largely of African descent and numbers about 80,000. Due to an extremely high immigration of Haitians to the Bahamas, the Bahamian government started deporting illegal Haitian immigrants to their homeland in late 2014. The White Bahamian population are mainly the descendants of the looking to flee religious persecution in and escaping the who arrived in 1649 and 1783, respectively.

Many Southern Loyalists went to the, half of whose population was of European descent as of 1985. The term white is usually used to identify Bahamians with Anglo ancestry, as well as 'light-skinned' Afro-Bahamians. Sometimes Bahamians use the term Conchy Joe to describe people of Anglo descent.

A small portion of the Euro-Bahamian population is descended from labourers who came to help develop the sponging industry in the 1900s. They make up less than 1% of the nation's population, but have still preserved their distinct culture. Bahamians typically identify themselves simply as either black or white. Languages The of the Bahamas is English. Many people speak an called Bahamian dialect (known simply as 'dialect') or 'Bahamianese.' Laurente Gibbs, a Bahamian writer and actor, was the first to coin the latter name in a poem and has since promoted its usage. Both are used as autoglossonyms., a is spoken by Haitians and their descendants, who make up of about 25% of the total population.

It is known simply as Creole to differentiate it from Bahamian English. Also note that the Bahamas was once under British rule and therefore the English taught in the Bahamian schools is still 'British-based'.

Religion. Celebration in In the less developed outer islands (or Family Islands), handicrafts include basketry made from palm fronds. This material, commonly called 'straw', is plaited into hats and bags that are popular tourist items. Another use is for so-called 'Voodoo dolls', even though such dolls are the result of foreign influences and not based in historic fact. A form of folk magic is practised by some Bahamians, mainly in the Family Islands (out-islands) of the Bahamas. The practice of obeah is illegal in the Bahamas and punishable by law. Is a traditional Afro-Bahamian street parade of 'rushing', music, dance and art held in Nassau (and a few other settlements) every.

Junkanoo is also used to celebrate other holidays and events such as Emancipation Day. Are important social events in many family island settlements. They usually feature one or more days of sailing by old-fashioned, as well as an onshore festival. Many dishes are associated with, which reflects Caribbean, African and European influences. Some settlements have festivals associated with the traditional crop or food of that area, such as the 'Pineapple Fest' in Gregory Town, or the 'Crab Fest' on Andros. Other significant traditions include. Bahamians have created a rich literature of poetry, short stories, plays and short fictional works.

Common themes in these works are (1) an awareness of change, (2) a striving for sophistication, (3) a search for identity, (4) nostalgia for the old ways and (5) an appreciation of beauty. Some contributing writers are Susan Wallace, Percival Miller, Robert Johnson, Raymond Brown, O.M. Smith, William Johnson, Eddie Minnis.

Bahamas culture is rich with beliefs, traditions, folklore and legend. The most well-known folklore and legends in the Bahamas includes Lusca in Andros Bahamas, Pretty Molly on Exuma Bahamas, the Chickcharnies of Andro Bahamas, and the Lost City of Atlantis on Bimini Bahamas. Sport Sport is a significant part of Bahamian culture. The national sport is. Cricket has been played in the Bahamas from 1846, the oldest sport being played in the country today.

The was formed in 1936, and from the 1940s to the 1970s, cricket was played amongst many Bahamians. Bahamas is not a part of the, so players are not eligible to play for the.

The late 1970s saw the game begin to decline in the country as teachers, who had previously come from the United Kingdom with a passion for cricket, were replaced by teachers who had been trained in the United States. The Bahamian physical education teachers had no knowledge of the game and instead taught, and where primary and high schools compete against each other. Today cricket is still enjoyed by a few locals and immigrants in the country usually from,. Cricket is played on Saturdays and Sundays at Windsor Park and Haynes Oval. The only other sporting event that began before was, which started in 1796. The most popular spectator sports are those imported from United States, such as, and, rather than from Great Britain, due to the country's close proximity to the United States, unlike their other Caribbean counterparts, where, and have proven to be more popular., and are a few Bahamians who joined Bahamian of the in the NBA ranks. Over the years has become much more popular than, though not implemented in the high school system yet.

Leagues for teens and adults have been developed by the Bahamas American Football Federation. However soccer, as it is commonly known in the country, is still a very popular sport amongst high school pupils.

Leagues are governed by the. Recently the Bahamian government has been working closely with of London to promote the sport in the country as well as promoting the Bahamas in the European market. In 2013 'Spurs' became the first Premier League club to play an in the Bahamas, facing the., the owner of the club, is based in the Bahamas.

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Other popular sports are, and, where Bahamians have enjoyed some degree of success at the international level. Other sports such as, and are considered growing sports., commonly known as 'track and field' in the country, is the most successful sport by far amongst Bahamians. Bahamians have a strong tradition in the and jumps. Track and field is probably the most popular spectator sport in the country next to due to their success over the years. Triathlons are gaining popularity in Nassau and the Family Islands. Bahamians have gone on to win numerous medals at,.

Is the first athletics olympic medallist for the country. He won a bronze medal for triple jump during the., and teamed up for the first athletics Olympic Gold medal for the country when they won the 4 × 100 m relay at the. They are affectionately known as the 'Golden Girls'. Became the first athletics individual Olympic gold medallist when she won the sprint in. In 2007, with the disqualification of, was advanced to the gold medal position in the, predating William-Darling.

The Bahamas were hosts of the first men's senior FIFA tournament to be staged in the Caribbean, the. Education.

Cash Philip et al. (Don Maples, Alison Packer). The Making of The Bahamas: A History for Schools. London: Collins, 1978. Miller, Hubert W.

The Colonization of The Bahamas, 1647–1670, The William and Mary Quarterly 2 no.1 (January 1945): 33–46. Craton, Michael. A History of The Bahamas. London: Collins, 1962. Craton, Michael and Saunders, Gail.

Islanders in the Stream: A History of the Bahamian People. Athens:, 1992. Collinwood, Dean. 'Columbus and the Discovery of Self,' Weber Studies, Vol. 3 (Fall) 1992: 29–44. Dodge, Steve.

Abaco: The History of an Out Island and its Cays, Tropic Isle Publications, 1983. Dodge, Steve. The Compleat Guide to Nassau, White Sound Press, 1987. Boultbee, Paul G. Oxford: ABC-Clio Press, 1990. Wood, David E., comp., A Guide to Selected Sources to the History of the Seminole Settlements of Red Bays, Andros, 1817–1980, Nassau: Department of Archives Economic history.

Johnson, Wittington B. Race Relations in the Bahamas, 1784–1834: The Nonviolent Transformation from a Slave to a Free Society, Fayetteville:, 2000. Shirley, Paul.

'Tek Force Wid Force', History Today 54, no. 41 (April 2004): 30–35. Saunders, Gail. The Social Life in the Bahamas 1880s–1920s. Nassau: Media Publishing, 1996. Saunders, Gail.

Bahamas Society After Emancipation. Kingston: Ian Randle Publishing, 1990. Curry, Jimmy. Filthy Rich Gangster/First Bahamian Movie.

Movie Mogul Pictures: 1996. Curry, Jimmy. To the Rescue/First Bahamian Rap/Hip Hop Song. Royal Crown Records, 1985. Collinwood, Dean. The Bahamas Between Worlds, White Sound Press, 1989.

Collinwood, Dean and Steve Dodge. Modern Bahamian Society, Caribbean Books, 1989. Dodge, Steve, Robert McIntire and Dean Collinwood.

The Bahamas Index, White Sound Press, 1989. Collinwood, Dean. 'The Bahamas,' in The Whole World Handbook 1992–1995, 12th ed., New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994. Collinwood, Dean.

'The Bahamas,' chapters in Jack W. Hopkins, ed., Latin American and Caribbean Contemporary Record, Vols. 1,2,3,4, Holmes and Meier Publishers, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986. Collinwood, Dean. 'Problems of Research and Training in Small Islands with a Social Science Faculty,' in Social Science in Latin America and the Caribbean, UNESCO, No. Collinwood, Dean and Rick Phillips, 'The National Literature of the New Bahamas,' Weber Studies, Vol.7, No. 1 (Spring) 1990: 43–62.

Collinwood, Dean. 'Writers, Social Scientists and Sexual Norms in the Caribbean,' Tsuda Review, No. 31 (November) 1986: 45–57. Collinwood, Dean. 'Terra Incognita: Research on the Modern Bahamian Society,' Journal of Caribbean Studies,Vol.

2–3 (Winter) 1981: 284–297. Collinwood, Dean and Steve Dodge. 'Political Leadership in the Bahamas,' The Bahamas Research Institute, No.1, May 1987.

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