by admin

Cyberduck Setup To Ssh Files For Mac

I am using a Mac and Cyberduck is my go to for file transfers to my Pi3. I recently set up a new SD card on one of my Pi's and can SSH into it via terminal. When I use Cyberduck or FileZilla, it gives me the directory of files, and I can download them, but it will not allow me to upload.

There is an error message that comes up saying I dont have the permission and need to contact network admin or some jazz. I used to run a different card with a different password and wonder if its something in my computer settings that wont let me transfer to the Pi with the default password, because it recognizes the ip and wants the old password. Or does this sound like misplaced thinking and its something totally different? Anyone had similar issues? Said in: I have looked at the auth.log file, and see that it has history from before I ever installed the build on this card.

I am not sure if that is important, but presume there is. You should look at its end right after you tried to access the Pi and failed. One way to look at it in real time and see any new entries as they happen is this command in the Retropie console: tail -f /var/log/auth.log tail displays the last 10 lines of a file (you can change that number by the -n option, e.g.

Tail -n 20 ). The -f stands for 'follow' and will display any new lines in the file immediately. Like most ongoing console commands, you end it by pressing ctrl+c.

Without -f it just exits after 10 or -n x lines. You could show us the output generated on failed login attempts, if it doesn't tell you anything. But be sure to delete any personal information it may contain before posting it in a public forum. It logs in fine. When I try to save a file or edit one on the card, I am met with the following error: 'Permission denied.


Please contact your web hosting service provider for assistance.' This is the output from auth.log on my pi. I see lots of mention of user Root. I have never used or needed to use that. Always logged in as pi@(ipaddress). I installed it to an SD card from download on the 7th of October. Aug 23 19:12:20 retropie systemd: pamunix(systemd-user:session): session opened for user pi by (uid=0) Aug 23 19:13:25 retropie sudo: pi: TTY=tty1; PWD=/home/pi; USER=root; COMMAND=/home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/ retropiemenu launch /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/wifi.rp Aug 23 19:13:25 retropie sudo: pamunix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by pi(uid=0) Aug 23 19:13:46 retropie sshd583: Received SIGHUP; restarting.

Cyberduck Setup To Ssh Files For Mac Windows 10

Aug 23 19:13:46 retropie sshd583: Server listening on port 22. Aug 23 19:13:46 retropie sshd583: Server listening on:: port 22. Aug 23 19:13:57 retropie sudo: pamunix(sudo:session): session closed for user root Oct 7 12:40:24 retropie sudo: pi: TTY=tty1; PWD=/home/pi; USER=root; COMMAND=/home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/ retropiemenu launch /home/pi/. Please give us the output of this command for the directory you can't edit files in: ls -l /path/to/directory # example ls -l /opt/retropie/configs/all/ The line with the file in question would be enough to tell if its ownership and/or permissions are wrong. Said in: Thanks will try now. How do I change the permissions? In the console with the command chmod.

But before you do that, we should determine if and which files have wrong permissions to know if and how to correct them. That's why I don't elaborate on chmod yet. (edit: If the ownership is wrong, the command is chown.).