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19 years ago To reproduce:. Go to. Move over the `low graphics version' link at the top of the page. Hold down the Shift key, and drag from one end of the word `graphics' to the other. What should happen:.

When the Shift key is held down over the link, the cursor changes to an I-beam, and the link no longer appears in:hover style (until Shift is released). The drag successfully selects the word `graphics'. What actually happens:. The cursor remains as a pointing hand.

The link is dragged, instead of a selection being made. Occurs with:. Mozilla build, Mac OS 9.0 Does not occur with:. Netscape Communicator 4.7, Mac OS 9.0.

18 years ago As Blake noted, Shift+drag is fine for if you want to start a selection inside a link, but it's no good for the other end, if you want to extend an existing selection to a point inside a link - since you will typically Shift+click to do so. Here's my current proposal.

The operation of extended selection will change slightly. Previously, if you had an existing selection: (1) if you Shift+clicked, the last-specified end of the selection (the `tail') would move to the the place where you clicked; (2) if you Shift+dragged, the `tail' would move to the place where you clicked, and would update as you continued to drag. Under my proposal, (2) will change, in that if you drag closer to another entity (character or object) boundary than to the one where you mouseddown, the existing selection will be cleared and a new one will be begun.

And (1) will be delayed from mousedown to mouseup, to avoid momentary flashing of spurious selections caused by (2). I think the likelihood of anyone noticing either of these changes is practically zero. This change in behavior will be used to allow a selection to be started inside a link by Shift+dragging, and ended inside a link by Shift+clicking. Where there is not an existing selection, a Shift+click in a link will make a selection from the invisible caret position (which defaults to the beginning of the document) to the click position, just as a Shift+mousedown in non-link text does now; but a Shift+drag will instead clear the existing selection (if there is one) and begin a new selection. 18 years ago Stephan: Saving a link as would be Shift+click on platforms other than Mac because of, which means this feature would be Mac only (after is fixed) - and that in turn, to answer your question in, is why would be a Mac-only enhancement too. Unfortunately, making/extending a selection within a link can't really be implemented without using a modifier key; that isn't the case for saving a link, but people on Windows and X are obviously used to Shift+click saving a link, so they miss out on this feature.:-( This could conceivably be implemented using Alt+click on Windows, provided menu and ACCESSKEY fun is dealt with.

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But that couldn't be done on Linux because Alt+click is taken by many X window managers for their own purposes. Blake: I don't know what others think of my proposal, but I have to admit it makes me nervous.

Id Software Adam A.d.a.m. The Inside Story For Mac Full

I suggest you implement it, but do whatever you need to do to make it easy to back out. That way we can test it and find out how much (if at all) it affects the look and feel of ordinary selection.