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WebSphere Application Server updates. Tooling support for WebSphere Application Server traditional V9 that includes updated server tools, tools for developing and deploying Java 8 and JEE 7 applications, and support for remote profiling and code coverage for WebSphere Application Server traditional V9, using Rational Agent Controller V9.6. Updated tooling support to remain compatible with the most recent version of WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile.

  1. Irad Released For Macbook Pro
  2. Irad Released For Mac 2017

Inclusion of a WebSphere Application Server traditional V9 test environment. As Version 9 is added, the WebSphere Application Server V8.0 test environment is removed.

A Version 8.5, traditional test environment is still included, and the latest Liberty Profile test environment remains. JavaScript improvements and extensions. Support for JavaScript 5 and 6 (support was formerly limited to 3). Significant improvements to content assist and autocomplete. JavaScript unit testing is now more fully integrated into the product. The user experience for JavaScript unit testing is now comparable to the user experience for Java unit testing.

A new integration with the Blanket.js JavaScript code coverage analysis framework. Similar to Java Code Coverage, these tools help developers assure and measure JavaScript initial code quality by analyzing what code is covered by automated tests. Among other things, you can now:. Configure projects and HTML pages to run JavaScript code coverage.

– Run enabled HTML pages as JavaScript tests. – See code coverage results integrated into the JavaScript editors, when covered JavaScript files are opened. – View test results in the JavaScript Test results view. IBM product integration support The following product integration is supported beginning with v9.5.0.2:. IBM Node.JS SDK - has been updated to address a security vulnerability. IBM Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry 1.0.0.M3.1.


IBM Eclipse Tools for Bluemix Note: The Eclipse Tools for Bluemix and the Eclipse Tools Cloud Foundry are Mandatory updates. If not installed (by using this fixpack) then a specific security protocol will not be supported anymore by the Bluemix runtime. Bluemix will switch their security protocols by May 23, 2016. Bluemix Tools: Incremental publish In the past, a single line of code change required the entire application to be redeployed. With the introduction of incremental publish support, the tools can now publish only the changed files to Bluemix and the changes take effect immediately without a redeploy of the entire application.

After an application has been deployed to Bluemix, right click the application from the Servers view, and select Enable Development Mode. When the application is running in Development Mode, you can publish your application incrementally to the Bluemix server just as if you are doing local development. You just need to push the Publish button. Bluemix Tools: Java 8 WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile for Java support The WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile for Java runtime in Bluemix now supports deploying and running projects that are compiled using Java 8. To specify the runtime Java version, create an environment variable during deployment with the name JBPCONFIGIBMJDK and set the value to “version: 1.7.+” or “version: 1.8.+”.

The Java version is validated to ensure compatibility with the Java version used for project compilation. JavaServer Faces Tools: Support for resource library contracts Facelets allows to create templates using XHTML and CSS that can be used to deliver a consistent look-and-feel across an entire application. JavaServer Faces Tools 2.2 defines Resource Library Contracts that allows facelet templates to be applied to an entire application in a reusable and interchangeable manner. The tooling for Resource Library Contractas included in Rational Application Developer 9.5 enables developers to create and edit customization contracts using a simple editor, without having to manually write the contracts definitions and creating the required folder structure. To add new contracts, use the Faces Config editor and it automatically generates the contract definition and the folder structure inside the project. JavaServer Faces Tools: Support for Faces Flow Rational Application Developer 9.5 adds support to to work with Faces Flow. Faces Flow provides an encapsulation of related facelets with a defined entry and exit points.

The flow concept is defined as a state graph formed by a set of nodes. This feature can be used by developers to create wizard-like structures. The new tooling provides a way to easily define flows using an editor, and it automatically creates the basic flow structure and optionally the initial node and the configuration file. To create flows, use the new Faces Flow Definition wizard: You can then use the generated configuration file to define the flow. JavaServer Faces Tools: Portlet support IBM Rational Application Developer 9.5 allows portlet developers to create JavaServer Faces Tools 2.2 portlet projects for IBM WebSphere WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile runtime. This includes the changes required for auto-code generation for various portlet artifacts like portlet.xml, faces-config.xml, and the facelet among other things: In order to consume this feature, you must install the IBM WebSphere WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile runtime feature, and configure it with JavaServer Faces Tools 2.2 compatible portlet bridge.

JavaServer Faces Tools Stateless Views JavaServer Faces Tools Stateless Views The JavaServer Faces 2.2 specification provides a way to run facelet pages in a stateless mode. In JSF applications context, stateless means that the JSF StateManager does not store any data related to the view. IBM Rational Application Developer 9.5 provides two ways to declare a view as stateless: 1.

From the Properties view: 2. Using the editor's content assist. JavaServer Faces Tools: HTML 5 Support The JavaServer Faces 2.2 specification defines a way to mix JSF code with plain HTML5 by adding a couple of new namespaces: The new namespaces are automatically added to JavaServer Faces Tools projects and enables users to:. Use HTML attributes in JSF components (Pass-through attributes). Use JSF attributes in HTML tags (Pass-through elements). Using the new namespaces, you are also able to write fully-compliant JSF pages using only HTML. Pass-through attributes: HTML5 introduced a series of new attributes for existing elements, and with JavaServer Faces Tools 2.2 you can mix those attributes with JSF components by using the content assist in the source editor or using the Properties view.

Properties view: Content assist: Pass-through elements: Besides the ability to inject HTML5 attributes in JSF components, you can also inject JSF attributes in HTML tags using the content assist in the source editor or using the Properties view. Properties view: Content assist. Bluemix Tools: Map and unmap projects In the past, when an application was deployed outside of the bluemix tools, you had to remove the application from the server before you could publish that same application from the Tools. The new map and unmap project feature allows you to map or unmap a project to an existing application that is deployed outside of the Tools without redeploying the application to Bluemix. To map a project, right click on an existing application in the Servers view and select Map to Project. Portlet support on WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile You can create and maintain resources for portlet applications on WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile by using the Java™ Specification Request (JSR 168 and JSR 286) portlet API in portlet projects, which can be added to a new or existing enterprise application project.

Using the tooling you can:. Create an empty portlet project for WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile. Create portlet html and jsps for the portlet projects targeted on WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile.

Irad released for mac

Directly publish portlet projects on WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile. Script-based Portlet tools The Script-based portlet is an option to provide an easy way for web developers primarily working with HTML, css, and javascript to shift to portlet development. This portlet option creates required html, css and js files under a portlet project structure and the developers are able use their existing HTML, js, css skills to create the user interface, styling info as well as the scripts without touching any of the portlet code. The Script-based portlet option also allows one-click enablement for Dojo and jQuery in the portlet creation wizard to allow drag-and-drop support for Dojo and jQuery widgets on portlet htmls from the palette. Rational Agent Controller v9.5 The Rational Agent Controller v9.5 is now available on these platforms running on Java 8:. Windows 32 and 64 bit. Linux 32 and 64 bit.

AIX 32 and 64 bit. Linux for z 31 and 64 bit.

zOS 31 and 64 bit. Solaris SPARC 64 bit. Solaris x86 64 bit. Ubuntu 14.04 LE Power Linux 64 bit. RHEL 7.1 LE Power Linux 64 bit (New for v95).


SUSE 12 LE Power Linux 64 bit (New for v95) Rational Agent Controller is required to run on the target machine for remote profiling and code coverage, and is supported running on Java 6, 7 and 8 JVMs. Code Quality Tools: Software Analyzer Advisor for Rational Team Concert You can use the Software Analyzer Rational Team Concert Advisor feature to control the code quality by requiring the user to pass certain software analyzer rules before checking code into Rational Team Concert. To use this feature, administrators can set Require Satisfactory Software Analyzer Result as a Rational Team Concert source delivery precondition for the project area and pre-select a certain set of Java code review and Java software metrics rules. Administrators can also specify the severity threshold for the Java code review rules: When this precondition is enabled, users for this project area can deliver code changes to a Rational Team Concert source control stream only when the code passes the pre-defined Software Analyzer rules.

Code Quality Tools: Enhanced Code Coverage A new JUnit runner called 'JUnit 4 with Enhanced Code Coverage' adds support for showing code coverage results for individual JUnit test cases in a JUnit test suite. A new file report option has been added for viewing code coverage results by file. Hovering your cursor over a file shows the tests for that file. A threshold tab in the file report allows you to filter out files or methods above or below a certain coverage threshold. There is also a new 'Merge' action in the context menu when selecting multiple code coverage files in the CC results view that allows you to generate a merged code coverage file report.

Rational Build Utility supports enable code coverage and generate code coverage reports IBM Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software Build Utility is updated to 9.5 version. Two new Ant tasks are created in Rational Build Utility:.

codeCoverage: performs the same operation as enable code coverage from either the Properties page or the Run menu in Rational Application Developer. codeCoverageReport: performs the same operation as code coverage report generation within Rational Application Developer when you click Run Code Coverage.Generate Report.

JavaScript Unit Test Support IBM Rational Application Developer 9.5 contains a new set of tools to create automated unit tests for JavaScript-based applications, such as those used by static or dynamic web applications as well as mobile applications using Cordova. These tools enhance the developer experience to create high quality software along with other quality tools present in Rational Application Developer, such as automated Java unit tests, code coverage, TOA, static and dynamic analysis and others. JavaScript Testing tools are installed by default when selecting AJAX, Dojo, and HTML feature in IBM Installation Manager: With these tools you are able to:. Create new JavaScript unit test projects: These unit test projects can reference other web projects in the workspace to discover JavaScript files and artifacts that can be unit tested. Add unit testing support to existing web projects.

Irad Released For Macbook Pro

Use Jasmine framework as your testing runtime. Rational Application Developer now bundles Jasmine as part of the installation, but you can use any Jasmine version: just specify the path to your library and Rational Application Developer includes it in the project. Create test files based on Jasmine spec structure. These test files can reference any JavaScript file in the workspace. Use the standard JavaScript Development Tools present in Rational Application Developer to either discover JavaScript functions or create test code from the templates available.

Create test runners and discover the test files as well as your JavaScript files under test that are in the same test project or spanning in different projects across the workspace. Also, this test runner creation wizard adds the required artifacts to quickly run the tests as soon as the test runner is created.

Deploy and run the tests on a server. Whether you are using static or dynamic web projects, you can deploy the unit test application to Web Preview server, WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile, or WebSphere Application Server full profile, or any other server. Share your test projects with other developers and version it using a SCM, such as Rational Team Concert or Git. Cordova Tools: Artifacts Rational Application Developer now allows you to specify the artifacts required to sign an archive for proper distribution in the application stores. This artifacts are platform dependent:. iOS1: requires a Code Identity and a profile.

Both are obtained from Apple web site. Android2: requires a keystore (generated using Keytool from the JDK) as well as the alias, type, password, and store password. These artifacts are specified in the Cordova Platforms preferences page. At project export time, you can choose the mode (release or debug), and whether the export process should sign the archive.

If you select Yes, then a ready-to-be-distributed archive is generated. If not, then an unsigned archive is generated and cannot be distributed (application stores and devices might not accept an unsigned application). For more information, see: 1 2. Cordova Tools: NPMJS With the coming removal of the official Cordova Plugins Repository (or CPR)1, Rational Application Developer 9.5 introduces changes to adapt to the new plugins repository in NPMJS. Users now can see the list of plugins for Cordova applications listed in NPMJS2. If the plugin is not listed there yet (this is done by each plugin developer), you still have the ability to install it using Git or downloading it to the local file system and add it as a local plugin using the Add plugin dialog.

For more information, see: 1 2.

Word now has a Focus Mode (on Mac) to help you knuckle down on that must-finish report, not to mention a dark theme on Windows, better inking features and accessibility upgrades like Read Aloud. PowerPoint has a new roaming pencil case, morph transitions, 4K video export and the ability to insert content like 3D models and SVG images. Excel offers funnel charts, 2D maps, timelines and new functions.

Outlook has updated contact cards, support for Office 365 Groups, mentions, a focused inbox and new summaries for deliveries and travel. Is still free and available outside of Office, regardless of the platform. Only trusted commercial volume customers have a crack at Office 2019 right away.

Irad Released For Mac 2017

If you're an everyday user, you'll have to wait until sometime in the 'next few weeks' to get a copy. This release won't thrill you if you're used to the heftier Office updates of years past. However, it's not really meant for early adopters. It's for companies that can't move their workers to the cloud, or individuals who just want a reasonably current Office suite without committing to a subscription. This is really a reflection of how much the industry has changed - Microsoft is primarily competing with cloud services like Google Docs, and its priorities have shifted accordingly.