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Maven Project Version Management The Most Elegant Software For Mac

  1. Maven Project Version Management The Most Elegant Software For Mac Download

No, there isn't. You always have to specify parent's version. Fortunately, it is inherited as the module's version what is desirable in most cases. Moreover, this parent's version declaration is bumped automatically by Maven Release Plugin, so - in fact - it's not a problem that you have version in 2 places as long as you use Maven Release Plugin for releasing or just bumping versions. Notice that there are some cases when this behaviour is actually pretty OK and gives more flexibility you may need.

Sometimes you want to use some of previous parent's version to inherit, however that's not a mainstream case. EFox's answer worked for a single project, but not when I was referencing a module from another one (the pom.xml were still stored in my.m2 with the property instead of the version). However, it works if you combine it with the flatten-maven-plugin, since it generates the poms with the correct version, not the property. The only option I changed in the plug-in definition is the outputDirectory, it's empty by default, but I prefer to have it in target, which is set in my.gitignore configuration: org.codehaus.mojo flatten-maven-plugin 1.0.1 true target flatten process-resources flatten The plug-in configuration goes in the parent pom.xml.

February marks the 10th anniversary of the Eclipse Foundation, an open source organization responsible for several key developer technologies, including the popular Eclipse Java IDE and the Mylyn task-focused interface. Spun out of IBM, the Eclipse Foundation has launched and guided several projects that have been downloaded millions of times and have served as the basis for numerous commercial products. The foundation started with 19 projects when it first formed; it now houses 247 projects as of early February. Each year, of multiple projects and updates on the same day.

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Companies like Oracle, Google, and SAP have participated in Eclipse, along with IBM. Here are 10 key Eclipse projects that have made waves in IT.

The granddaddy of Eclipse projects, launched Eclipse in the minds of developers, says Eclipse Executive Director Mike Milinkovich. JDT features Eclipse Java IDE, which debuted in 2001. It is recognized as the leading Java IDE, Milinkovich notes, adding that since September 2013 alone, the IDE has been downloaded nearly 6 million times.

Maven project version management the most elegant software for mac download

Other capabilities in JDT include debugging support, an editor, and JDT UI. Plug-ins provide support for technologies like the Maven project management tool and Git software version control system. Released in June 2004, is the core runtime for the Eclipse platform and is a reference implementation for the OSGi specification, providing a modularity framework for Java and a lightweight container for applications. 'The goal of the Equinox project is to be a first-class OSGi community and foster the vision of Eclipse as a landscape of bundles,' says Eclipse. Equinox has been featured in IBM WebSphere Liberty, a profile of the WebSphere Application Server enabling the server to provision only the features required by an application.


Milinkovich expects Equinox to gain more prominence as it becomes useful in embedded systems and the Internet of things, the evolving trend of connecting and controlling a multitude of devices over the Internet. Is best known for providing Java EE (Enterprise Edition) tooling for Java developers, according to Milinkovich. Why the reference to Web tools, then? Because the scope of the project covers all aspects of Web development, including Java EE and HTML. The project adds capabilities for enterprise Java, such as servlets and Enterprise JavaBeans support. Developed in 2004, Web Tools Platform features source and graphical editors for various languages, as well as wizards and built-in applications intended to simplify development. It also includes APIs to support application deployment and testing.

IBM has been a major participant, with Oracle and Red Hat involved also. Led by PHP tools vendor Zend Technologies, was founded in 2006 and brought PHP under the Eclipse umbrella. PDT is devised to provide the development components necessary to develop PHP-based Web applications, including a plug-in-enabled PHP IDE framework. 'We had always been fans of the Eclipse project and decided the time was right for Zend to step up and contribute a PHP development toolkit to the Eclipse ecosystem,' Zend CEO Andi Gutmans says. 'Since that time, we have led the Eclipse PDT project, and with approximately 75,000 downloads annually, it has become one of the most popular plug-ins for Eclipse.' Gutmans believes having a free open source PHP IDE contributed to the growth of both Eclipse and PHP. The, begun in 2008, allows developers to build domain-specific languages; it is part of the Eclipse modeling community and extends EMF, Milinkovich says.

'It covers all aspects of a complete language infrastructure, from parsers, over linker, compiler, or interpreter to full-blown top-notch Eclipse IDE integration. It comes with good defaults for all these aspects, and at the same time, every single aspect can be tailored to your needs,' according to Eclipse. Itemis AG is the main contributor to Xtext. Founded in 2005, offers a task-focused interface for organizing development activities in Eclipse to reduce information overload and simplify multitasking, Milinkovich said. 'Mylyn makes tasks a first-class part of Eclipse and integrates rich and offline editing for repositories, such as Bugzilla, Trac, and JIRA,' according to Eclipse. The project was founded by Mik Kersten, now CEO of Tasktop Technologies, which builds its business around Mylyn.

Maven Project Version Management The Most Elegant Software For Mac Download

'I created Mylyn to help developers get control of their day,' Kersten says. 'With the proliferation of agile and ALM tools, we needed a way to connect our collaboration with our coding. Mylyn did that by focusing the developer on the task at hand, adding social task management to the IDE, and automatically tracking context as you code.'