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Netsyncx Netsuite Sync For Mac

This guide will walk you through setting up the sync between NetSuite and For more information on how the sync works (which objects sync, known limitations, and best practices), check out the following article: Table of Contents. 1. Introduction The following image shows what objects sync and in which direction.

The following table covers the high-level overview of the following:. List of objects that sync from to NetSuite, and vice versa.

Known limitations Record Types and Known Limitations Record Type NetSuite to to NetSuite Known Limitations General Vendors Yes Yes - does not support more than one subsidiary per vendor. Vendors with Access enabled in NetSuite cannot be updated by Customers Yes Yes - Customers with Access enabled in NetSuite cannot be updated by - does not support more than one subsidiary per customer. Chart of Accounts Yes Yes - Summary accounts are not supported. Departments Yes Yes Locations Yes Yes Classes Yes Yes Items Yes Yes - Items created in and synced to NetSuite use the subtype: For Resale. Sales Tax Items are not supported. Jobs No No - Jobs do not sync to/from NetSuite. Custom fields No No - Custom fields are ignored by the sync.

They will not prevent the bills from syncing to Custom fields will be preserved in NetSuite but will not be visible in When creating custom fields in NetSuite, assign a default value to avoid any conflicts. Currency Yes Yes - Multi-currency setting must be enabled in both and NetSuite Payment Terms No No - Payment Terms do not sync to/from NetSuite. Attachments Yes No - Attachments sync from NetSuite to Attachments do not sync from to NetSuite. Partners No No - Partners do not sync to/from NetSuite.

Payables Bills Unpaid bills only. Yes - Partially- and fully-paid bills do not sync from NetSuite to You can disable import of unpaid bills from NetSuite to See for more details. Vendor Credits Unapplied vendor credits only. Yes - Partially- and fully-applied vendor credits do not sync from NetSuite to

Netsyncx Netsuite Sync For Mac

Vendor Credit applications (applying, un-applying, and reapplying) do not sync from NetSuite to If you would like the sync to be able to apply Vendor Credits in NetSuite, when the period is closed, you will want to enable Non-GL Changes to the Accounting Period in NetSuite:. Setup Accounting Manage Accounting Periods Click on the period in which the vendor credit is dated in order to edit the base period Ensure ' Allow Non-G/L Changes' is checked on as true. You can disable import of unapplied vendor credits from NetSuite to See for more details. Approval Status No Limited. You can opt to only sync bills/vendor credits approved in into NetSuite. However, approval status is not kept in sync.

See for more details. Bill Payments No Yes - Payments made in NetSuite do not sync to

Netsync Netsuite Sync For Mac

Payments synced from to NetSuite will always use the same Department, Class, and/or Location, per subsidiary, as applicable. See for more details. Purchase Orders Yes, once converted to unpaid bills N/A - You cannot view original Purchase Order in The Purchase Order number will appear on bills and vendor credits that originated from POs in NetSuite.

Netsyncx Netsuite Sync For Mac Download

Bills created from POs from NetSuite should not be edited in See for more details. AP Funds Transfers No Yes - Funds Transfers synced from to NetSuite will always use the same Department, Class, and/or Location, per subsidiary, as applicable.

See for more details. Commissions No No - Commissions do not sync to/from NetSuite Receivables Transactions No No - AR transactions (Invoices, Credit Memos, Sales Orders, Invoice Payments, AR Funds Transfers) are not supported. Sync Setup The setup process will take at least 90-120 minutes, more if you’re syncing multiple subsidiaries.

Netsyncx Netsuite Sync For MacNetsyncx Netsuite Sync For Mac

Netsyncx Netsuite Sync For Mac Free

There will be periods of down-time while you’re waiting for the bundle to install, or for records to sync into, which happens at the end of each section. While we recommend that you complete the setup in one sitting, it’s okay to take a break at the end of a given section. To get started, you will need:. A brand new account with a verified bank account (bank account not mandatory). Administrator access to the NetSuite account.

Administrator or Accountant access to the account. Access to the bundle in NetSuite. Contact Customer Support to get access; you will need to provide your NetSuite Account ID. Your NetSuite Account ID. To find this in NetSuite, hover over Setup Integration and click Web Services Preferences.

Account ID is displayed on the top left. Write this value down (it will be used several times during set up). Ensure the following settings are made within the NetSuite account:. Hover over Setup  Company Click Enable features SuiteCloud.

Make sure all options under SuiteBuilder are enabled, and under SuiteScript, enable the following options: Client SuiteScript, Server SuiteScript, and SuiteFlow. Create a Custom Role A custom role not requiring Two-Factor Authentication will need to be created for the user connecting the sync.