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Solved: Softphone Settings For Mac

Hi all, we are currently rolling out 3cx in a (nearly) Mac only environment. A lot of things work flawlessly, but headset integration is lacking big time. Audio works on all quality headsets I tried, but none of the buttons or sensors. I tried different headsets of Plantronics and Jabra.

  1. Voip Softphone For Mac
  2. Softphone Software

Not Sennheiser until now, because I cannot buy them through our distribution. Do the buttons and sensors work on them?

Are there any recommendations for headsets in a Mac softphone environment? I really can't be that there is so little headset support for an otherwise rather good Mac softphone. Thainks in advance, Tom.

I bought the latest Pi2 and downloaded and installed and set up the incredipi software as per instructions. I even managed to get my new pbx to register a trunk with one of my TSPs. But after one whole day of fruitless attempts I still have not been able to get any of three softphones (Yate, X-lite abd 3CX) using the preconfigured extension 701 to connect to the new pbx. (I have checked the password many times.) They all happily connect to my old ATcom IP02 pbx so there must be something wrong in the setup of the pbx.

Where do I look? The logfile full is HUGE. Nobody has replied because I supplied too little information.

Well here is the extension entry in which I have changed very little from original. What is the reason for it not wanting to connect? OK Looking at the LONG and looks like c/P of your screen (not really helpful tough but the lines that say: This device uses CHANSIP technology listening on: Change To CHANPJSIP Driver 1- the Listening on: should have a port number 2 - This tells me that its Asterisk 13 (PJSIP jives that tidbit) PJSIP has taken over port 5060 which is what the softphones are listening on when you don't specify. Since the Extension is using SIP Technology, you need to either swap PJSip ans CHANSIP listening ports to put it back to what I call normal (I wanted to use PJSIP for the ability to have 1 extension on multi devices but seems you can't call ext 701 from 701 to make all the other devices ring - so I scrapped 13 and went back to 11) or on the softphone add:5061 to the end of the sip server address (that'a a colon 5061) and this should fix the not registering problem.

This is more technical than I imagined! First I tried the easy way and added:5061 to the server URL. That did not work. In the advanced setting the system was set to use CHANSIP. Not to the default which is 'both'.

This indicates to me that the problem could not have been PJSIP hijacking port 5060. In SIP-settings - CHANSIP I tried to change the bind port from 5060 to 5061 But the asterisk update failed: Error: Did not receive valid response from server XHR response code: 0 XHR responseText: undefined jQuery status: timeout (The debugger produces a LONG script which I spare you for now.) Now I get this error no matter what I do. I am sinking deeper. Please resque! I just learnt what PJSIP is but many questions remain such as: Can a device intened for SIP use PJSIP (if only those fubctions suppled by PJSIP are being used by the device? Being inquisitive I enabled 'both' drivers and set up ext 701 to use PJSIP. It did not work either.

In SIP-settings - PJSIP I clicked submit without having made any changes. On Asterisk reload I got the same message as above. Is this a bug? A couple of weeks ago I asked for help on what probably is a very minor problem. I have downloaded and set up the incrediblepbx on as raspberry pi, all according to instructions. I also set up a trunk which registered. But I was not able to get any soft or hard phone to register.

All I have added are the number, display name and secret. The same soft and hard phones happily register to my old Atcom IP02 pbx when requested to. But why not to the incredipi? After trying a lot of things, the system locked up.

So I started from scratch and set it up again on a brand new SDcard. This time I left the trunk alone and just tried the sip extensions. But I am having the same problem. The phones will not register. Can someone please tell me why?

It was all within the LAN. The probem turned out to be that I set the pbx to a local fixed IP-address while DHCP was still active. The result was TWO IP-addresses, one fixed, one set by DHCP. One of the symptoms was that writing to a data file sometimes failed and required a reboot.


Voip Softphone For Mac

Once DHCP was removed the phones registered OK. This is one of several pitfalls in the setup process of Incredipi. The problem with dual IP-addresses has been reported before. (I lost the link.) It is very confusing with configuration files overwriting other configuration files. This should not be the case and preferably be cleaned out. Alternatively a map of the various conf files telling which overwrites which would be helpful.

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