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Square Grid Wordpress For Mac

You can freely move any element on one artboard to another. Simply drag the element and drop it onto the desired artboard. To copy an element, use Command + C (on Mac), or Ctrl + C (on Windows).

WordpressSquare grid wordpress for mac mac

Click the artboard in which you want to paste the element and click Command + V (on Mac), or Ctrl + V (on Windows). You can also drag an element while holding the Option key (on Mac), or the Alt key (on Windows) to duplicate elements. You can also use the Fixed Position to fix the position of elements such as headers and footers on a scrolling artboard, or floating fixed elements. The pin icon in the prototype mode indicates the fixed elements, and you can layer them above or below other design objects. Zoom Enter Zoom mode by clicking the Zoom icon in the toolbar or pressing Z on your keyboard.

Once in Zoom mode, you can:. Zoom in: Click anywhere in the XD canvas, or click the required artboard. Or, marquee-select an area to zoom in.

Zoom out: Option + Click (on Mac), or Alt + Click (on Windows). To quickly zoom in or out without actually entering Zoom mode, you can temporarily activate Zoom mode:. Zoom in: Press Space + Cmd (on Mac), or Space + Ctrl (on Windows), then click or marquee select an area on the artboard.

Square Grid Wordpress For Mac Download Free

Zoom out: Press Space + Cmd + Opt To zoom into specific objects on the artboard, select the objects, then select View Zoom to Selection or ⌘ 3 on Mac. On Windows, use the Ctrl + 3 keyboard shortcut.

Descrizione Many CMS site needs to display Featured Content/Featured services on website. “WP Featured Content and Slider” is a clean and easy-to-use features showcase management system for WordPress. Display Featured Content/Featured services, features your product, company or services offers, and display them via a shortcode OR template code. View for additional information. Checkout our new plugin – Now added Custom Post Type support where you can display custom post type content with this plugin.

We have given 4 designs with 2 shortcode. featured-content and featured-content-slider Where you can display Featured Content in list view, in grid view and Featured Content Slider with responsive. You can also select design theme from “Featured Content - Featured Content Designs”. Shortcode Examples 1.

Simple list view featured-content 2. Grid View featured-content grid='2' 3. Slider (per row one) featured-content-slider 4. Slider (per row two) featured-content-slider slidescolumn='2' You can use Following parameters with shortcode featured-content. limit: featured-content limit=”5″ ( ie Display 5 featured content on your website ). Design: featured-content design=”design-1″ ( ie Select design for featured content. Designs are design-1, design-2, design-3).

posttype: featured-content posttype=”post” ( ie Select Post type for featured content. You can select post type: post, page, any custom post type).

Wordpress Grid Template

Taxonomy: featured-content taxonomy=”category” (Enter registered custom taxonomy name with respective to post type. To use with category wise for custom taxonomy.). catid: featured-content catid=”categoryid” ( ie Display featured content categories wise). grid: featured-content grid=”2″ ( ie Display featured content in grid view).

faiconcolor: featured-content faiconcolor=”#000000″ ( ie Change the color of Font Awesome Icon – If added insted of featured image). imagestyle: featured-content imagestyle=”square” ( ie Image style “square” OR “circle”). displayreadmore: featured-content displayreadmore=”true” ( ie Display Read More Button OR Not. Values are “true” and “false”). contentwordslimit: featured-content contentwordslimit=”50″ ( ie Limit the words limit in the content section.).

showcontent: featured-content showcontent=”true” ( ie show short content or not. By default value is “true”. Change log (registro delle modifiche) 1.2.8 (09 June, 2018). Follow some WordPress Detailed Plugin Guidelines. 1.2.7 (25 Aug, 2017).

Square grid wordpress for mac download

Fixed design-4 issue mac sfari browser. 1.2.6 (24 Aug, 2017). Fixed design-4 issue in responsive and display content in vertical. Fixed css issues. 1.2.5 (16 Jan, 2017). + Added ‘taxonomy’ shortcode parameter for custom category. Grouped ‘Fa Icon’ and ‘Read More Link’ metabox options.

Updated slider js to latest version. Updated Font Awesome CSS to latest version 4.7.0 1.2.4. + Added “How it work” tab. Fixed slick.js load issue. Fixed some css issues. 1.2.3.

Fixed some css issues. 1.2.2.

Added css for outline issue. 1.2.1. Fixed some css issues. Resolved multiple slider jquery conflict issue. 1.2. Fixed some bugs.

Added New shortcode parameters ie showcontent. Added new design ie design-4 1.1. Added New shortcode parameters ie posttype, faiconcolor, contentwordslimit. Added new design-3. Added Font Awesome Icons.

Fixed some bug. 1.0. Initial release.

Adds custom post type.