Stage Plot Pro For Mac
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The best solution is do not use graphics on a stage plot. No one cares what a guitar amp looks like. They care where it goes on stage, and it can be represented by a rectangle that says something useful like 'Twin' or 'GK400'.
Drum kits can be a set of rectangles and circles that show the proper size in scale so the hands know how it fits on stage. Mic stands can be black circles, wedges and be rectangles, all sized to represent how they will really fit on stage. Any stage platforms are pretty much by definition rectangles. Monitor mix numbers should be on the wedge rectangles.
Attached to the stage plot should be an input list with every mic, DI, and source shown with the channel assignment it gets. Leave the silly graphics at home, the crew needs an easy to understand plot that they can use to provide what you want. The best solution is do not use graphics on a stage plot. No one cares what a guitar amp looks like. They care where it goes on stage, and it can be represented by a rectangle that says something useful like 'Twin' or 'GK400'.
Stage Plot Pro For Mac Free
Drum kits can be a set of rectangles and circles that show the proper size in scale so the hands know how it fits on stage. Mic stands can be black circles, wedges and be rectangles, all sized to represent how they will really fit on stage. Any stage platforms are pretty much by definition rectangles. Monitor mix numbers should be on the wedge rectangles. Attached to the stage plot should be an input list with every mic, DI, and source shown with the channel assignment it gets. Leave the silly graphics at home, the crew needs an easy to understand plot that they can use to provide what you want.
SPP is cheap and makes it so easy that there’s no reason to not do a plot that’s clear, has all the information and nobody has to figure out that a square is an amp, DI or quad box. On a busy stage the text can be hard to read and graphics will translate better. Besides, you forgot the 3 things that are far more important than how the plot is drawn: 1. The name of the band (you wouldn’t believe how many I’ve seen that don’t have this) 2.
The date of the plot. Is it from 5 years ago? Then it’s probably out of date. Then it’s more likely to be ok. Contact name and number.
Who can I call to ask questions about this plot? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro. SPP is cheap and makes it so easy that there’s no reason to not do a plot that’s clear, has all the information and nobody has to figure out that a square is an amp, DI or quad box. On a busy stage the text can be hard to read and graphics will translate better.
Besides, you forgot the 3 things that are far more important than how the plot is drawn: 1. The name of the band (you wouldn’t believe how many I’ve seen that don’t have this) 2. The date of the plot. Is it from 5 years ago? Then it’s probably out of date. Then it’s more likely to be ok.
Contact name and number. Who can I call to ask questions about this plot?