by admin

Cp210x Usb To Uart Bridge Driver For Mac

I am trying to load the CP210X driver onto my Mac (OS X 10.12.6 Sierra) to work with my ESP8266 and the driver does not seem to be loading. I've used Coolterm and the only Port listed is a bluetooth port, no USB to UART. I've re-scanned Serial Ports and it does nothing. Solutions I have tried: 1) Used 7 different microUSB cords to no avail. 2) Uninstalled the current version of the driver (5.0.1) and then installed the version in Legacy MacVCP Driver (4.11.2).

Cp210x Usb To Uart Bridge Vcp Drivers

I installed a second time as was suggested in one thread. 3) Tried signing the kext manually (but I think this fix only pertained to an older version of the driver) Diagnostic Information: 1) /Library/Extensions $ ls /Library/Extensions/ grep SiLabs SiLabsUSBDriver.kext 2) kextstat $ kextstat grep silabs 156 0 0xffffff7f83317000 0x9000 0x9000 com.silabs.driver.CP210xVCPDriver (5.0.1) 70693BED-378F-3880-8045-B2BD04C7938A but after a few minutes. $ kextstat grep silabs. no output. 3) kextutil $ kextutil -tn /Library/Extensions/SiLabsUSBDriver.kext /Library/Extensions/SiLabsUSBDriver.kext appears to be loadable (including linkage for on-disk libraries).


4) /dev $ ls /dev grep SILAB. no output 5) ioreg $ ioreg -p IOUSB +-o Root +-o Root Hub Simulation Simulation@14000000. I wanted to look into this issue. It looks like you are able to load the Silabs KEXT without an issue. And yes, you can expect the OS to unload it when it is not being used. The operating system will load it when it finds a device that matches the driver.

And you aren't seeing a device getting mounted in /dev. The first thing I went to look at was the VID/PID of the device you are using. From your post the PID your device is using is 0x7523 or 29987 in decimal form. The vendor ID is 0x1a86 or 6790.


I don't see these values showing up for any of the supported personalities for our driver. When I looked up that vendor and product ID combo I see 'QinHeng Electronics' and it appears to be the HL-340 USB-Serial adapter. Are you sure that this product uses a Silabs CP210x chip? If so, do you know which specific chip it uses? Have you contacted QinHeng Electronics about this issue?


Question: I just installed the latest USB to UART Bridge Virtual COM Port (VCP) drivers on my Mac OSX computer, but system info still depicts the driver version as 1.00. Answer: Verifying the driver version number on Mac OSX requires some extra steps. For example, on a MacBook Pro the System Information (or System Profiler) utility may reveal something like this: At first glance, it appears that the system is using driver version 1.00 to interact with the attached CP2102. However, the version '1.00' string appearing here does not refer to the driver version - it instead refers to the variant of the set of USB descriptors returned to the OS during the enumeration process that occurs between the CP2102 and the USB Host controller when first connected.

On a Mac, the actual VCP driver version string can be found within some text files - typically located at a path like Macintosh HD/Library/Extensions/SiLabsUSBDriver.kext/Contents At this location resides a file of type '.plist', which is really a text file (with XML content formatting) that you can view in a text editor (textedit). Within this file you'll see elements like 'Version 5.0' - these references do indeed indicate the version of the driver installed on your system.