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Hofco Risk Assessment Mac Resume Templates Resume

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  1. Hofco Risk Assessment Mac Resume Templates Resume Examples
  2. Hofco Risk Assessment Mac Resume Templates Resume Example
  3. Hofco Risk Assessment Mac Resume Templates Resume Sample

Back to Audit Risk Assessment Template Excel Risk Mitigation Template from project risk assessment template, image source: Gallery of Project Risk assessment Template.

I do a bit of work helping people prepare their resumes. When I help people with the preparation of their resume I typically spend at least one hour discussing various issues with them first.

It never ceases to amaze me how poorly prepared the existing resumes are. Be careful of the resume writers who will charge you a lot to prepare a very smooth resume with little input from yourself. Some of these people are excellent wordsmiths but there is such a thing as being too smooth! The resume must be a true reflection of your training, experience and personality. The slick resume may get you an interview but an experienced recruiter will quickly reveal the resume is not a true reflection of your abilities The following resume template is an extract from a detailed resume handout I give to people.

Hofco Risk Assessment Mac Resume Templates Resume Examples

Resume Template – Aim is to make pig poo look like strawberry jam – Hint – A work relevant graphic helps you stand out from the crowd Major tip Recruitment & selection uses “ Past behaviour predicts future behaviour” The idea is to give plenty of examples of where in the past you have successfully done the sort of things that you will be required to do in the new job. Say what you did, how you did it and what were the results. Full name (“Failure is not an option”)-Hint-A work relevant motto helps to make you stand out from the crowd Personal / Contact Details Name, address including post code, date of birth, place of birth, home number, work number (If appropriate), mobile number, e-mail address, languages spoken at home (If applicable), passport details (Where applicable) Career objective-Do not be too specific as you may miss out on a job that does not fit the bill exactly.

Hofco Risk Assessment Mac Resume Templates Resume Example

Hofco risk assessment mac resume templates resume templateHofco Risk Assessment Mac Resume Templates Resume

You may wish to include short & long term objectives. Professional profile Background / Overview of employment and a couple of really significant achievements you are proud of, quantify achievements Leadership / Management style if appropriate Details of jobs and achievements, if have gaps in employment listing years and not months and years helps to hide it. List all the jobs you have had in the last 10 years describing in some detail what you did and very importantly what your achievements were. If you are just starting out in employment list your achievements from school, part-time work (Amazing how good a job at McDonalds looks if you work on it), volunteer work, other organisations you are associated with. HOW DO I DIFFERIENATE MYSELF FROM THE MANY OTHERS APPLYING FOR THIS JOB???????????

Hofco Risk Assessment Mac Resume Templates Resume Sample

Core professional strengths / Competency summary-Could be some of the following plus others School /OP / university attended and what level, results, only mention if good Technical skills Current certificates-Where & when obtained eg. Blue card for working with children Workplace health & safety, inductions, White card for construction work, First-aid certificate Leadership-The number one job of a leader is to transmit and embed high value standards Achieving excellence Working independently Teamwork Communication Interpersonal skills–If mention nothing else always mention these 2 Computer skills-Mainly Word &Excel, maybe Access & Power-Point-Basic, Intermediate, Advanced Commitment to personal training & development, always say you are a life-long learner, the H.R.

I have worked in OHS for most of my working life, many years in the mining industry including over 10 years in a corporate OHS role with BHP. Since leaving the mining industry I have worked in a variety of safety roles with a variety of employers, large & small, in a variety of industries.I was associated with my first workplace fatality at age 21, the girl involved was young, intelligent, vivacious and friendly. Such a waste!

I was the first on the scene and tried to comfort her and tend to her injuries. She said to me “George, please do not let me die” We put her on the aerial ambulance to Rockhampton base hospital where she died the next day.

I do not mind telling you that knocked me around for awhile.Since then I have helped my employers cope with the aftermath of 12 fatalities and 2 other life-altering events. The section 'Why do Occupational Health & Safety' provides further detail but in summary, poor safety is simply very expensive and also has a massive humanitarian cost.My qualifications include a certificate I.V. In Workplace Training and Assessment, a Diploma in Frontline Management, a Diploma in Training & Assessment Systems, a Bachelor of Education (Adult & Workplace Education), a Grad. In Management of Organisational Change and a Graduate Diploma in Occupational Hazard Management.

I am currently studying towards a Masters in Business Leadership.Up until recently I had been a Chartered Fellow of the Safety Institute of Australia for 10 years and a member for about 30 years.My interest is in non-traditional methods of driving organisational change in OHS and I have what I believe is a healthy dis-respect for many common approaches to OHS Management and OHS Training. I hold what I believe is a well-founded perception that many of the things safety people and management do in safety are “displacement activities” (Displacement activities are things we do, things we put a lot of energy into, but which when we examine them closely there is no valid reason for doing them).My managerial and leadership roles in OHS have exposed me to a range of management techniques that are relevant to Business Improvement. In particular I am a strong supporter of continuous improvement and quality management approaches to business. I believe leadership is the often forgotten key to excellence in most aspects of life.I hold the Australian Defence Medal and am a J.P.(Qualified).I have many fond memories of my time playing Rugby Union when I was a young bloke.