by admin

New Debugger For Mac

Please test the new LLDB based Lazarus debugger. To test the new debugger, please download the Lazarus 2.0RC1. Open the IDE and install the package ' LazDebugger FpLLdb'.

  1. Free Debugger For Mac
  2. How To Debug Mac Computer

It should be in the list of available packages, but if not it is in components/lazdebuggers/lazdebuggerfplldb Make sure to use the one with ' Fp' in the name. (There also is LazDebuggerLLdb, but it is not as good.) Restart the IDE. Go to Tools Options Debugger In the 'debugger type' dropdown, you should find and select 'LLDB debugger (with fpdebug)' The edit below this (where you normally have the path to gdb), should be changed to the path of lldb. (lldb comes with the tools from Apple; and as such it is already codesigned by Apple). To report any problems: Start Lazarus from a shell with the following command line (replace pathes according to your installation): You may need to use startlazarus, or specify the re-build lazarus which may be in your home folder / pcp. If that is the case, and if the settings are correct (e.g the debugger gets line info, but the heaptrc does not), then this is an issue in fpc (and may need reporting there) HeapTrc is entirely part of fpc.

There are several possible issues though: 1) It may affect dwarf only (or be limited to certain versions of it), or stabs only. 2) It may be broken only for external / none-external debug info. Additionally the stacktrace dumping code in fpc has a safety feature, that can have 'side effects'.

If an address in the trace can not be resolved, the code will disable address resolving for all further addresses. This is, in case there was an error, which could lead to the error dumping another trace, ending in endless recursion. But this also happens, if there just is no data for that one address.

(At least that is what it used to be, may have changed). So if your top address, is not resolvable.

You can try (not tested myself on Mac), to load/paste the trace into the IDE's 'Leaks and traces', then click resolve. In the following open dialog, select the application executable.


With the Intel Debugger (IDB) for Mac OS X only providing a command-line interface and Xcode only capable of debugging simple structured Fortran programs with no support of MODULEs, GUI-based debugging of Fortran on Mac OS X seemed impossible, until now. An option exists for GUI-based debugging of Fortran on Mac OS X using the GNU DataDisplayDebugger (DDD) with the Intel Debugger (IDB). To obtain DDD 3.3.11 for Mac OS X, first install Fink 0.9.0 and FinkCommander (GUI interface to Fink) for Mac OS X available from (download versions are available for various Mac OS X releases).

Free Debugger For Mac

New Debugger For Mac

I found FinkCommander very easy to use. There are numerous software packages available for installation, so under the FinkCommander window scroll through the package names or use the search facility to locate ddd. Once found, click on the +.h toolbar icon or right-click on the ddd package name and select Source - Install. This will download, build, and install ddd and the required lesstif-shlibs packages. DDD installs under: /sw/bin/ddd Once installed, open a terminal window and launch DDD via the command-line with Intel Debugger (IDB) as follows: ddd -debugger '/usr/bin/idb' We welcome user feedback about using DDD as a GUI front-end to the Intel Debugger (IDB) for Mac OS X. DDD is also usable with the command-line interface to the Intel Debugger (IDB) for Linux. Please refer to the GNU DataDisplayDebugger (DDD) page for information about obtaining DDD source and/or binary downloads for Linux.

Quoting - I have installed ddd as suggested, but so far have been unsuccessful in using it with idb. Invoking 'ddd -debugger idb' brings up an error window that says GDB could not be started. I've also tried using the full path specification ddd -debugger'/opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/064/bin/ia32/idb'for idb with similar results. Any thoughts on what I should do differently to get ddd to work with idb? -Thanks, Don With the Intel Debugger (IDB) for Mac OS X only providing a command-line interface and Xcode only capable of debugging simple structured Fortran programs with no support of MODULEs, GUI-based debugging of Fortran on Mac OS X seemed impossible, until now. An option exists for GUI-based debugging of Fortran on Mac OS X using the GNU DataDisplayDebugger (DDD) with the Intel Debugger (IDB). To obtain DDD 3.3.11 for Mac OS X, first install Fink 0.9.0 and FinkCommander (GUI interface to Fink) for Mac OS X available from (download versions are available for various Mac OS X releases).

I found FinkCommander very easy to use. There are numerous software packages available for installation, so under the FinkCommander window scroll through the package names or use the search facility to locate ddd. Once found, click on the +.h toolbar icon or right-click on the ddd package name and select Source - Install. This will download, build, and install ddd and the required lesstif-shlibs packages.

How To Debug Mac Computer

DDD installs under: /sw/bin/ddd Once installed, open a terminal window and launch DDD via the command-line with Intel Debugger (IDB) as follows: ddd -debugger '/usr/bin/idb' We welcome user feedback about using DDD as a GUI front-end to the Intel Debugger (IDB) for Mac OS X. DDD is also usable with the command-line interface to the Intel Debugger (IDB) for Linux. Please refer to the GNU DataDisplayDebugger (DDD) page for information about obtaining DDD source and/or binary downloads for Linux. Your first attempt with just ' idb' was missing the full path: /usr/bin/idb.

For your second attempt, at least in your post here, there appears to be a space missing between debuggerand the starting double quote for the full path to idb. If there is no space you will suffer the GDB could not be started error. I could start idb under DDD using: ddd -debugger '/opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/056/bin/ia32/idb' You can verify IDB is getting started by throwing -version in the command above, like this: ddd -debugger '/opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/056/bin/ia32/idb -version' With that ddd command you will see the IDB version appear under the DDD output window, but you also receive the pop-up about could not start GDB. So, just dismiss and restart ddd without the -version option to idb. Double check to make sure you have a space between the -debuggerand the quoted path to idb.