Sql Anywhere Sql Editor For Mac
0 Votes 2 Views Need Help Configuring SQL Anywhere 17 ODBC for Mac OS I'm running SQL Anywhere 17 on my Macbook Pro (running macOS Mojave 10.14.1). I can connect directly to my databases just fine.
What I need however, is to create a Datasource (DSN) on my mac. There seems to be a frustrating lack of documentation on the matter.
Here's what I've done so far:. I downloaded and installed the SQL Anywhere 17 Developer edition. Installed it successfully. I can launch it and connect to my databases. Next, I downloaded and installed the (I read about this in multiple posts.) Installed it.
Seems to run as intended. Next I added the SQL Anywhere 17 drivers using the ODBC Administrator (by following ). The same steps are documented.
This is where I run into my first potential problem. Both of these documents cite the following prerequisite: ' Your Mac OS X system must not be version 10.6 or later.'
That's Snow Leopard, man! That's 13 years old! Is this a typo? Is SAP telling me that if I want to configure an ODBC connection, I need to be using an OS that's 13 years old or older? Surely that's a misprint. I'm assuming what they mean here is that it must be version 10.6 or newer.
So, I continue. The ODBC Administrator allows me to add the SQL Anywhere 17 driver without error. It's now listed as a driver. However, the last two sentences left me wondering if I was supposed to do anything else. If these were intended to be instructions, it wasn't clear to me what I was supposed to do.' The ODBC configuration files are located in /Library/ODBC within your home directory. There is an odbcinst.ini file for driver information and an odbc.ini file for data source information.
You can edit the information with a text editor.You must use either the ODBCINI or ODBCINI environment variable to specify the non-standard location and file name of the ODBC initialization file (/Library/ODBC/odbc.ini).' . But with the driver 'seemingly' added, I then tried adding a DSN (tested both User and System). Is a little lacking from SAP (specifically which parameters are 'required'. Depending on what version of help you're looking at, the examples use different parameters). Again, the same prerequisite appears 'Your Mac OS X system must not be version 10.6 or later.'
(see rant above on this). In the end, I created parameters for the all the variables passed in the connection string (UserID, Password, Database File). Sadly, there's no testing function in the ODBC Administrator to test a DSN.
So, I downloaded a different ODBC Management tool for Mac called. It seems to work almost identically to the first one, except it has a helpful TEST function. But when I test, I get two errors: 1st) ' Specified driver could not be loaded', and 2nd) ' Library not loaded: libdbtasks17r.dylibReferenced from: /Applications/SQLAnywhere17/System/lib64/dbodbc17r.bundleReason: image not found' These errors lead me to speculate that either I can't do this because my OS isn't 13 years old, or older (per the prerequisites), or (more likely) that I needed to do something in the ODBC.INI file or the ODBCINST.INI file. I'm not sure. Clearly says that ODBC Components are supported on Apple OS X. But I can't find ANY documentation on the web to help me. This seems like it should be so easy.
I've done the equivalent on a PC hundreds of times. Surely I can't be the only developer trying to build apps on his Mac that simply connect to a SQL Anywhere database. I've been searching for a solution to this for months.

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Sql Anywhere Sql Editor For Mac Download

Sql Anywhere Sql Editor For Mac
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