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Codonics Clarity Viewer For Mac

The new viewer has these features (some new and some come from the prior version):1. You can now store an unlimited number of CLT transcripts in the viewer application. In the past you could only view 1 transcript at a time which was done by loading the app into the program. Now there is a list of transcripts to the left of the Main Viewer window that allows you to view transcripts you have loaded.2. You can highlight segments of a transcript and save the highlight in yellow.3. You can add note segments to a transcript which are saved in blue.4. Under each transcript there are now 3 sub-actions OCo Highlights, Notes, and Index.5.

  1. Codonics Virtua
  2. Codonics Clarity Viewer Download

Latest software for mac os. The index is improved and easier to use. For each transcript a list of words is listed and the count is provided. Toggle on the word, and the hits for each word will appear, click on it and go directly to the transcript location.6.

Share transcripts, highlights, and notes with other DepoSmart users by exporting to a CLT file that contains the transcripts, your notes and highlights included.7. Plus and Minus button at bottom left of screen allow user to add and remove transcripts from the transcript list.8.

Left and Right buttons at the bottom center of the viewer screen allow users to toggle up and down index word hits in a transcript.9. Use the page search field to go to a specific page in a transcript.10. Print single page transcripts from CLT transcripts.11. Print cover sheets from CLT transcripts.12. Print condensed transcripts from CLT transcripts in left to right or up down format.13. Print word indexes from CLT transcripts.14. Each transcript has questions bolded for easier viewing.15.

Toolbar icons for Printing, Sharing, Annotating, Notes, Information, and Help.16. Automatic update checking to tell you if you have the latest version of the app or not.17.

Print setup window allows you to set the right settings for accurate transcript printing.18. Set Margin Left Setting.19. Set Margin Right Setting.20. Set Margin Top Setting.21.

Codonics Virtua

Set Margin Bottom.22. Set Transcript Font Size.23.


Set Condensed Font Size.24. Set Index Font Size.25. Check which fields you would like on the cover page cover pages.26. Choose to have an outline on the page when printing cover pages.27. Choose whether to include fields names when printing cover pages.28. Choose which fields to have at the header left of the full transcript page.29. Choose which fields to have at the header middle of the full transcript page.30.

Choose which fields to have at the header right of the full transcript page.31. Choose which fields to have at the footer left of the full transcript page.32. Choose which fields to have at the footer middle of the full transcript page.33. Choose which fields to have at the footer right of the full transcript page.34. Choose which fields to have at the header left of the condensed transcript page.35. Choose which fields to have at the header middle of the condensed transcript page.36.

Choose which fields to have at the header right of the condensed transcript page.37. Choose which fields to have at the footer left of the condensed transcript page.38. Choose which fields to have at the footer middle of the condensed transcript page.39. Choose which fields to have at the footer right of the condensed transcript page.40. Choose which fields to have at the header left of the transcript index page.41. Choose which fields to have at the header middle of the transcript index page.42.

Choose which fields to have at the header right of the transcript index page.43. Choose which fields to have at the footer left of the transcript index page.44. Choose which fields to have at the footer middle of the transcript index page.45. Choose which fields to have at the footer right of the transcript index page.46. Choose which words to exclude when printing indices to transcripts.47.

Codonics Clarity Viewer Download

Choose whether to use the Clarity ViewerOCOs default theme when printing (works for 95%) of printing needs or the Transcripts Theme Properties set by a court reporter. The new viewer has these features (some new. The Clarity Viewer is a free transcript viewer application that open CLT (Clarity Legal Transcript) files.,.