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Ihev Pack (steam For Mac

The easiest way this works is you need a Windows running machine first, install the game on it, then copy that installed folder onto your Mac. Then, run OpenRCT2 on the Mac and when the program asks for the game folder, you direct it to the folder you transferred earlier. Of course, there are more ways, like running a Virtual Machine of sorts on the Mac and install RCT2 within this VM, and then directing OpenRCT2 to the installation folder.

Another way could be by using Wine to install the game, then the same folder redirecting business. Since you are wanting to install it through steam, you could check this link: This is essentially the same 'Wine' method being used. If you don't know already, Wine is a software that makes a Windows friendly-ecosystem for the program you are wanting to install. Basically, the program will think it is running on Windows, but Wine is actually tricking it that way. I wouldn't recommend running Vanilla RCT2 using Wine, since all programs need some optimization first. Instead, just install the game, then run OpenRCT2 instead.

I hope this helps you! For every mac user who bought RCT2 on Steam, this is what you want. Very easy to download. It takes some time to download. It's only 1GB but a there are a lot of small files. Ignore the part about Wine and skip to Native and follow the instructions.

After you've done that, open Finder and Go to folder (Shift+Cmd+G) and insert: /Applications/ Steam will return a file location with ' ' instead of '/', so change the ' ' to '/'. Copy the folder 'depot285331' to applications folder, rename it something like RollerCoaster Tycoon 2.

I also recommend to put the 'windows scale factor' on macs from 1.00 to 2.00 (when playing fullscreen). Click a bit above the up arrow. Because if you try to click on it, you'll somehow click the down arrow and fuck it up.

It will getting smaller and smaller. If you fuck it up to many times it will be really, really hard to change it back to normal size because it becomes so small. I have even set it on 3.00 just to get the RTC feeling. Otherwise your maximum zoom-in level is just still like half the map. I just like to see the people walking around and such. Thanks for making RTC playable on Mac guys.

Edited April 18, 2016 by Hedva Added install instructions for people who were looking for it just like me. So i followed all the steps on the github. It downloaded everything correctly but im having trouble with your steps. When i type that file location into finder it can't find anything. What did you mean by switching the back slashes to forward slashes? Where do i change that? EDIT: I persevered and found it.

Press go in top bar. Hold alt so library apears in menu and press that. Then app support steam. In steam i think the folder is called steam bundle or something similar.

Then in there is a icon in there that looks like you're gonna open the app but double click it. In there i think it was under contents and in there was the folder. Then copy that to applications. Go into openrct and click on that folder where you copied it. This is where it gets weird and i think was partly just a glitch.

When i ( she) did this the window opened but was just black. She then closed it and re opened and it started right up. I know this is not perfect but i was doing it for my gf over video chat so i cant replicate it to write this. What i really learned is that i infact will not be going back to mac any time soon. Best of luck. Edited January 5, 2017 by djbutcher13. For every mac user who bought RCT2 on Steam, this is what you want.

Very easy to download. It takes some time to download. It's only 1GB but a there are a lot of small files. Ignore the part about Wine and skip to Native and follow the instructions. After you've done that, open Finder and Go to folder (Shift+Cmd+G) and insert: /Applications/ Steam will return a file location with ' ' instead of '/', so change the ' ' to '/'. Copy the folder 'depot285331' to applications folder, rename it something like RollerCoaster Tycoon 2.

I also recommend to put the 'windows scale factor' on macs from 1.00 to 2.00 (when playing fullscreen). Click a bit above the up arrow.

Because if you try to click on it, you'll somehow click the down arrow and fuck it up. It will getting smaller and smaller. If you fuck it up to many times it will be really, really hard to change it back to normal size because it becomes so small. I have even set it on 3.00 just to get the RTC feeling. Otherwise your maximum zoom-in level is just still like half the map. I just like to see the people walking around and such.

Thanks for making RTC playable on Mac guys. Hi, I'm really new to this! I've got a Mac, and installed Steam to buy RCT2, only to find it didn't work - I followed the steps here, and got to the /Applications/ stage, but then it says to change the ' ' to a '/' and I don't understand where I do that. All I get once I enter that instruction into Finder is this: What do I do?

EDIT: Solved it! Edited May 6, 2017 by tomtom64. You mean to tell me there are over 40k views on this thread, and we still do not have anyone that can do a full lay out of how to make this work? TomTom seems to have it, but yet I see many people, including myself, that does not have a popup showing where we need to change a backslash to a forward slash. No one else seems to know the answer either. The original reddit that was posted does not help me because, while I do have RCT2 downloaded through steam, I cannot 'Place the bought/demo RCT2 game files folder in your applications folder' because I have no idea where the game files are.

Is there ANYONE that can give a step-by-step tutorial, including how to change the slashes? Maybe show us where we can find the original game files from Steam and how to move them to the applications folder? I appreciate the help. Search your filesystem for 'g1.dat'. This should be contained in a directory called 'Data', and the directory that contains that (usually called 'RollerCoaster Tycoon 2' is the one you want to select. If g1.dat doesn't exist anywhere, then you need to install the vanilla game first. Instructions on how to obtain the game files on Mac are available.

I have the game purchased through steam. Steam cannot download the game because im on the wrong OS. So where do I go from here?

Even though I bought the game but can't download it, I need to download it through another way?

Hi everyone, As Mac operating systems differ from Windows in a number of ways (such as file structure and locations, file extensions, hotkeys and so on), we offer the following summary of Mac-specific details. Q: Can I use mods with Mac? A: Yes you can! More information. Q: I want to modify my preferences.script file or create a user.script file. Where can I find the scripts folder?

A: The scripts folder can be found in:. /library/The Creative Assembly/Rome2/scripts (for the Steam download). /library/Containers/com.sega.mac.rome2/Data/Library/The Creative Assembly/Rome2/scripts (for the App store download) It may be hidden by default, like the Windows ‘appdata’ folder.

To navigate to this folder, go to your Mac’s desktop, ensure the Finder is selected, click ‘Go’ on the Finder menu bar at the top of the screen, then ‘Go To Folder’. Enter the path exactly as above (including the tilde symbol). Q: The Encyclopaedia minimises the game and opens a web browser.


How can I view the Encyclopaedia in-game? A: This feature can be modified through the preferences.script file found in:. /library/The Creative Assembly/Rome2/scripts (for the Steam download). /library/Containers/com.sega.mac.rome2/Data/Library/The Creative Assembly/Rome2/scripts (for the App store download) Open the file and search for the term externalbrowser true; then change this to externalbrowser false; and re-save the preferences.script file. The Encyclopaedia will now open in-game. Q: I have set my game quality to very high or above but not all visual features are showing. A: This issue occurs when a GPU does not feature enough graphics memory to render all the visual features of the game.

This can include features such as shadows and anti-aliasing. A warning message will appear during loading screens to notify you that graphics will be downgraded. If this is the case, your graphics settings will be set to custom; you can then enter the game’s graphics settings, and alter various settings as you see fit. Please note, unless your Mac has more than 1GB graphics memory, it is not recommended to play on higher settings with a resolution higher than 1920 x 1080. Q: Are there any differences between the Steam version of Rome II for Mac? The Steam Mac version does support multiplayer, and all ROME II DLC is available via Steam in the Steam Mac version.

Q: I just purchased the game from the Apple App Store. How can I get the DLCs? A: Unfortunately, no you cannot. The DLCs are not available through the App Store. Q: I just purchased the game from the Apple App Store.

Can I play online? A: Unfortunately, no you cannot. Multiplayer functionality has been removed from the App Store for development reasons. Q: Can I play multiplayer with a PC Player? A: Unfortunately there is no cross-platform multiplayer functionality, though you can play with other Mac users (Steam version only). Q: Can I play my old PC saves on my Mac?

A: Yes, PC saves and replays are cross compatible. You will need to transfer them to your save-game folder, located in:. /library/The Creative Assembly/Rome2/savegames (for the Steam download). /library/Containers/com.sega.mac.rome2/Data/Library/The Creative Assembly/Rome2/savegames (for the App store download) or sync your game with the Steam Cloud (this happens automatically provided your old saves have been synced to the Steam Cloud). Q: Whenever I try to right-click with my Apple Magic Mouse, rather than issuing an order I deselect all units. A: The Magic Mouse can be highly sensitive to touch, and it’s important to note which settings you have configured when using it.

If you’re using the default settings, the mouse will register one finger as a left-click and two fingers on the right of the Magic Mouse surface as a right-click. We recommend ticking the ‘secondary click’ toggle in the mouse settings screen (under System Preferences - Mouse), which will make your Magic Mouse act like a traditional 2-button mouse. Q: My game has crashed, how do I find the error report? A: If any application crashes, your Mac should automatically generate and display an error report. If this is ignored or not sent to Apple it can be located in the following folder /library/Logs/DiagnosticReports under the name Rome II Date. Q: The default Mac keyboard hotkeys are overriding the ROME II hotkeys. How can I disable them?

A: To use the F1-F12 keys as game commands, there are two options: 1) Pressing Fn + F1-F12 will bypass the default Mac hotkey functionality. 2) Go to System Preferences - Keyboard. Under this menu you will see a tick box labelled: ‘Use all F1 F2, etc. Keys as function keys’. This will toggle the hotkeys to standard F-number keys.

Ihev Pack (steam For Mac

To use the default Mac hotkey functionality, you can then use Fn + F1-F12. Q: What is the minimum requirements to run the game on a Mac? A: Minimum requirements are:. Operating System: OS X 10.7.5. Processor: 1.7 GHz Intel Core i5.

RAM: 4 GB RAM. Hard Drive: 25 GB. Video Card: 512 MB AMD Radeon HD 4850, NVidia GeForce 640 or Intel HD 4000.

Ihev pack (steam for mac)

Screen Resolution: 1024x768. Unsupported graphics chipsets for Mac: NVidia GeForce 9 series, GeForce 300 series, GeForce Quadro series, AMD Radeon HD 4000 series, Radeon HD 2000 series Q: What is the recommended requirements to run the game on a Mac? R: Recommended requirements. Operating System: OS X 10.7.5 (or later). Processor: 2nd Generation Intel Core i5 (or greater). RAM: 8 GB RAM.

Hard Drive: 25 GB. Video Card: 1 GB NVidia 750 (or better). Screen Resolution: 1920x1080. Unsupported graphics chipsets for Mac: NVidia GeForce 9 series, GeForce 300 series, GeForce Quadro series, AMD Radeon HD 4000 series, Radeon HD 2000 series If you are experiencing issues not described here, please do let us know by posting a new thread for each issue.

(Please bear in mind that on these support forums it is one thread per player per issue as this helps us organising our support and how we can assist you. Thank you for your understanding, Matthias. Hi everyone, Since some of you were wondering how you could enable mods on the Mac Versions of Total War: ROME II Emperor Edition we've written a short step-by-step guide for you below. © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2015. Warhammer, the Warhammer logo, GW, Games Workshop, The Game of Fantasy Battles, the twin-tailed comet logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either ® or ™, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence. Developed by Creative Assembly and published by SEGA.

Creative Assembly, the Creative Assembly logo, Total War and the Total War logo are either registered trade marks or trade marks of The Creative Assembly Limited. SEGA and the SEGA logo are either registered trade marks or trade marks of SEGA Holdings Co., Ltd.

Or its affiliates. All rights reserved.