by admin

Db: 3.47:problems With Reinstalling Parallel Desktop For Mac

While manning the help desk, you get a call from Sharon in accounting. She's lost a file that she knows she saved to her hard drive. Which of the following statements would direct Sharon to open her My Documents folder in the most efficient and professional manner? Sharon, check My Documents. Sharon, a lot of programs save files to a default folder, often to a folder called My Documents. Let's look there first.

Click on the Start button and move the mouse until the cursor hovers over My Documents. Then press the left mouse button and tell me what you see when My Documents opens.

It probably just defaulted to My Docs. Why don't you open Excel or whatever program you used to make the file, and then open a document and point it to My Documents? Look Sharon, I know you're a clueless noob when it comes to computers, but how could somebody lose a file?

Just open up My Documents and look there for the file. While manning the help desk, you get a call from Bryce in Sales complaining that he can't print and every time he clicks on the network shared drive, his computer stops and freezes. He says he thinks it's his hard driver.

What would be a good follow-up question or statement? Bryce, you're an idiot. Don't touch anything. I'll be there in five minutes. Okay, let's take this one step at a time. You seem to have two problems, one with printing and the second with the network shared drive, right? First, it's not a hard driver; it's a hard drive.

It doesn't have anything to do with the network share or printing, so that's just not right. When could you last print? When troubleshooting a software problem on Phoebe's computer and listening to her describe the problem, your beeper goes off.

It's your boss. What would be an acceptable action for you to make? Excuse yourself, walk out of the cube, and use a cell phone to call your boss.

Pick up Phoebe's phone and dial your boss's number. Wait until Phoebe finishes her description and then ask to use her phone to call your boss. Wait until Phoebe finishes her description, run through any simple fixes, and then explain that you need to call your boss on your cell phone. While fixing a printing problem on Paul's computer, you check his e-mail out of curiosity to see if there are any interesting messages there.

You notice several personal e-mails he has sent sitting in his Sent Items mail folder. Using the company computer for personal e-mail is against regulations, so what should you do? Leave the e-mail on the computer and notify your boss.

Delete the e-mails from the computer and notify your boss. Delete the e-mails from the computer and remind Paul of the workplace regulations. You shouldn't be looking in his e-mail folders at all as it compromises your integrity. Upon responding to a coworker's request for help, you find her away from her desk and Microsoft Excel on the screen with a spreadsheet open. How do you proceed? Go find the coworker and ask her to exit her applications before touching her computer. Exit Excel and save changes to the document and begin troubleshooting the computer.

Exit Excel without saving changes to the document and begin troubleshooting the computer. Use the Save As command to save the file with a new name, exit Excel, and begin troubleshooting the computer. You are solving a problem on Kate's computer that requires you to reboot several times. Upon each reboot, the logon screen appears and prompts you for a username and password before you can continue working. Kate has gone to another office to continue her work on another computer.

How do you proceed? Call Kate, ask her for her password, type it in, and continue working on the problem. Insist that Kate stay with you and have her type the password each time it is needed.

Call Kate and have her come in to type the password each time it is needed. Have Kate temporarily change her password for you to use as you work; then have her change it back when you are through. After replacing a keyboard a user has spilled coffee on for the fifth time, what should you say to the user?

Db: 3.47:problems with reinstalling parallel desktop for mac mac

I can't guarantee the new keyboard will work if it gets dirty. I can't guarantee the new keyboard will work if you continue to spill coffee on it. These keyboards are expensive.

Next time we replace one because you spilled coffee, it's coming out of your paycheck. You need to be more careful with your coffee.

When is it appropriate to yell at a user? When he screws up the second time. When he interrupts your troubleshooting. When he screws up the fifth time.

What steps do you need to take to install an Athlon 64 X2 CPU into an LGA 775 motherboard? Lift the ZIF socket arm; place the CPU according to the orientation markings; snap on the heat-sink and fan assembly.

Lift the ZIF socket arm; place the CPU according to the orientation markings; add a dash of heat dope; snap on the heat-sink and fan assembly. Lift the ZIF socket arm; place the CPU according to the orientation markings; snap on the heat-sink and fan assembly; plug in the fan. Take all of the steps you want to take because it's not going to work. A user calls first thing Monday morning saying she has an error message at bootup that says her case was opened. She's looked at the computer, but it seems normal. What does this tell you about her computer?

Her computer has TPM enabled in the CMOS. Her computer has fan monitoring enabled in CMOS and the fan stopped over the weekend. Her computer case has chassis intrusion detection and the feature is enabled in CMOS. It doesn't tell you anything about the computer, only that the user has a problem. What happens if you add two RAM sticks to your PC, and one has a bad SPD?

When your system boots, it will recognize both RAM sticks but will not register any special features (such as ECC) of the stick with the bad SPD. When your system boots, it will only register the presence of the RAM stick with the good SPD. When your system boots, it won't register the presence of the RAM stick with the bad SPD until you configure the RAM settings by using the Setup utility. When you try to boot the system, you will get a POST error message and the system will not boot.

Jack decided to go retro and added a second floppy disk drive to his computer. He thinks he has it physically installed correctly, but it doesn't show up in Windows.

Which of the following options will most likely lead Jack where he needs to go to resolve the issue? Reboot the computer and press the F key on the keyboard twice. This signals that the computer has two floppy disk drives.

Db: 3.47:problems With Reinstalling Parallel Desktop For Mac Mac

Reboot the computer and watch for instructions to enter the CMOS setup utility (for example, a message may say to press the DELETE key). Do what it says to go into CMOS setup. In Windows, press the DELETE key twice to enter the CMOS setup utility.

In Windows, go to Start Run and type floppy. Click OK to open the Floppy Disk Drive Setup Wizard. Henry bought a new card for capturing television on his computer. When he finished going through the packaging, though, he found no driver disc, only an application disc for setting up the TV capture software.


After installing the card and software, it all works flawlessly. What's the most likely explanation? The device doesn't need BIOS, so there's no need for a driver disc. The device has an option ROM that loads BIOS, so there's no need for a driver disc. Windows supports TV capture cards out of the box, so there's no need for a driver disc.

The manufacturer made a mistake and didn't include everything needed to set up the device. Mohinder finds that a disgruntled former employee decided to sabotage her computer when she left by putting a password in CMOS that stops the computer from booting. What can Mohinder do to solve this problem? Mohinder should boot the computer while holding the left SHIFT key.

This will clear the CMOS information. Mohinder should try various combinations of the former employee's name. The vast majority of people use their name or initials for CMOS passwords. Mohinder should find the CMOS clear jumper on the motherboard. Then he can boot the computer with a shunt on the jumper to clear the CMOS information. Mohinder should find a replacement motherboard.

Unless he knows the CMOS password, there's nothing he can do. The nonprofit agency that Sid works for received half-dozen new motherboards as a donation, but when he tried to install one into a case, it didn't fit at all. The ports and expansion slots seemed to be switched. What's most likely the issue? Sid's trying to install a proprietary motherboard into an ATX case. Sid's trying to install an LPX motherboard into an ATX case.

Sid's trying to install a microATX motherboard into an ATX case. Sid's trying to install a microBTX motherboard into an ATX case. A client brought in an old computer that won't boot. He wants to see if any data can be recovered from the hard drive. When the tech opened the case, he noted that two expansion cards were plugged into some kind of circuit board that plugged into the motherboard. The expansion cards were parallel with the motherboard, in other words, rather than perpendicular. Into what kind of circuit board did the expansion cards most likely connect?


(Select two.) A. Daughterboard B. Expansion board C. Riser card D. Robert installed a new motherboard, CPU, and RAM into his old case. After he attached the power correctly and pressed the power button, not only did the system not boot up, he also could smell ozone and realized the motherboard had shorted out. What could have been the cause?

Robert installed an ATX motherboard into a BTX case. Robert installed a BTX motherboard into an ATX case. Robert used an AT power supply on an ATX motherboard. Robert left a standout in the wrong place under the motherboard. Brian bought a new motherboard that advertised support for eight USB ports. When he pulled the motherboard out of the box, though, he found that it only had four USB ports. What's likely the issue here?

The extra four USB ports will connect to the front of the case or via a dongle to an expansion slot. The extra four USB ports require an add-on expansion card.

The FireWire port will have a splitter that makes it four USB ports. The motherboard chipset might support eight USB ports, but the manufacturer only included four ports. Martin bought a new motherboard to replace his older ATX motherboard. As he left the shop, the tech on duty called after him, 'Check your standouts!' What could the tech have meant? Standouts are the connectors on the motherboard for the front panel buttons, such as the on/off switch and reset button. Standouts are the metal edges on some cases that aren't rolled.

Standouts are the metal connectors that attach the motherboard to the case. Standouts are the dongles that enable a motherboard to support more than four USB ports. Arthur installed a new motherboard in his case and connected the ATX power, but his system would not turn on. He sees an extra 4-wire port on the motherboard.

What's he missing? He needs a power supply with a P2 connector for plugging in auxiliary components.

He needs a power supply with a P3 connector for plugging in case fans. He needs a power supply with a P4 connector for plugging into Pentium IV and some Athlon XP motherboards. He needs a power supply with an Aux connector for plugging into a secondary power supply. What is the effect of exceeding the wattage capabilities of a power supply by inserting too many devices? The system will boot normally, but some of the devices will not function properly.

The system will boot normally and all of the devices will work, but only for a limited time. After an hour or so, the system will spontaneously shut down. The system will not boot or turn on at all. The system will try to boot, but the overloaded power supply will fail, burning up delicate internal capacitors. Where do you put the multimeter leads when you test a Molex connector? The red lead should always touch the red wire; the black lead should touch a black ground wire. The red lead should always touch the black ground wire; the black lead should always touch the red hot wire.

The red lead should always touch the yellow hot wire; the black lead should touch the red hot wire. The red lead should touch either the red or yellow hot wire; the black lead should touch a black ground wire. If you get an error message saying that the Setup program cannot read the CAB files, what should you do?

Copy the CAB files from the Windows installation disc to your local hard drive and run the Setup program from there. Skip this step because the CAB files are not necessary to install Windows successfully. Go to the Microsoft Web site and download the latest version of the CAB File Wizard. Cancel the installation process and keep your old operating system because your hardware does not meet the minimum requirements. If you receive a graphical mode error in a Windows 2000 or XP installation saying that Windows failed to detect a noncritical piece of hardware, what should you do?

You need to remove the hardware device or replace it with one that is compatible with the OS. You can probably solve the problem after the installation is complete by finding the proper driver.

You will get a stop error and be unable to complete the installation process. You should reboot the computer and restart the installation. A Windows XP user calls in complaining that her monitor is too small. Upon further questioning, you find out that it's not the monitor that's small, but the font and icon size that are too small! What would you do to help the user fix the problem?

In the Control Panel, open the Display applet. Select the Settings tab and increase the screen resolution. In the Control Panel, open the Display applet. Select the Settings tab and decrease the screen resolution. In the Control Panel, open the Monitor applet. Select the Settings tab and increase the screen resolution. In the Control Panel, open the Monitor applet.

Select the Settings tab and decrease the screen resolution. Which of the following statements best describes hard drives typically found in laptops? They are 2.5-inch SATA drives, but they do not hold as much data as the 3.5-inch hard drives found in desktop PCs. They are 3.5-inch ATA drives just like those found in desktop PCs, but they usually require 'cable select' settings rather than master or slave. They are 3.5-inch SATA drives that hold more data than the 2.5-inch hard drives found in desktop PCs.

They are 2.5-inch PCMCIA drives, while desktops usually have 3.5-inch SCSI drives. You need to check the status of the local area connection of a Windows XP machine on your Microsoft network. How do you get to the screen where you can perform this task? (Select all that apply.) A. Start right-click My Network Places Properties Local Area Connection B.

Start Settings Network and Dial-up Connections Local Area Connection C. Start Control Panel Network Connections Local Area Connection D. Right-click My Computer Properties Network Connections Local Area Connection. A user calls and complains that the technician who fixed his computer removed some software he used to listen to music on the Internet. A check of approved software does not include the LimeWire application, so what should the supervisor do? Applaud the technician for proper compliance. Educate the user about the legal issues involved with music downloads.

Add the LimeWire application to the approved software list and make the technician apologize and reinstall the software. Check with the user's supervisor about adding LimeWire to the approved software list. Cindy wants to put a policy in place at her company with regard to virus prevention or at least limitation. What policies would offer the best solution? Install antivirus software on every computer. Instruct users on how to run it. Install antivirus software on every computer.

Set the software up to scan regularly. Install antivirus software on every computer. Set the software up to update the definitions and engine automatically. Set the software up to scan regularly. Install antivirus software on every computer.

Set the software up to update the definitions and engine automatically. Set the software up to scan regularly. Educate the users about what sites and downloads to avoid. While working at the help desk, you get a call from Sharon in accounting. She's lost a file that she knows she saved to her hard drive. Which of the following statements would direct Sharon to open her My Documents folder in the most efficient and professional manner?

Sharon, check My Documents. Sharon, a lot of programs save files to a default folder, often to a folder called My Documents. Let's look there first. Click on the Start button and move the mouse until the cursor hovers over My Documents.

Then click the left mouse button and tell me what you see when My Documents opens. Probably just defaulted to My Docs. Why don't you open Excel or whatever program you used to make the file, and then open a document, and point it to My Documents. Look Sharon, I know you're a clueless noob when it comes to computers, but how could somebody lose a file? Just open up My Documents, and look there for the file.

While working at the help desk, you get a call from Bryce in Sales complaining that he can't print and every time he clicks on the network shared drive, his computer stops and freezes. He says he thinks it's his hard driver. What would be a good follow-up question or statement?

Bryce, you're an idiot. Don't touch anything.

I'll be there in five minutes. Okay, let's take this one step at a time. You seem to have two problems, one with printing and the second with the network shared drive, right? First, it's not a hard driver, but a hard drive. It doesn't have anything to do with the network share or printing, so that's just not right. When could you last print? Upon responding to a coworker's request for help, you find her away from her desk and Microsoft Excel on the screen with a spreadsheet open.

How do you proceed? Go find the coworker and ask her to exit her applications before touching her computer. Exit Excel, save changes to the document, and begin troubleshooting the computer. Exit Excel without saving changes to the document and begin troubleshooting the computer.

Use the Save As command to save the file with a new name, exit Excel, and begin troubleshooting the computer. You have been working all afternoon on a user's workstation and you have finally fixed the user's problem. What should you do now?

Tell the user the computer is fixed and leave. Invite the user to sit down and use the computer to make sure the problem is completely gone from the user's perspective. Tell the user the machine is fixed, go back to your office, and document the problem. As you leave for the tenth time, complain to the user that you are tired of always fixing his computer.